2022-2023 Catalog With Addendum 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2022-2023 Catalog With Addendum [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

The information following course titles indicate (1) hours per week of lecture, (2) hours per week of laboratory and (3) credit hours. A small number of courses are offered for a variable number of credit hours, and the credit hours listed represent the maximum number of hours possible for credit. This will be noted in the course description.

The frequency of offering follows the meeting and credit hour information. Courses offered every year are designated by semester(s) only. Courses offered every other year are designated by semester and odd/even year.

Note: Since most courses are not offered every semester, students should be aware that failure to take a required course when it is offered may delay graduation.

Any course may be offered on demand should sufficient interest be demonstrated and should a qualified instructor be available. “Demand” courses with a defined content will be offered as regularly as practical for the host department.

At the end of the course description, the following information will be given when applicable: laboratory information, corequisites (“simultaneous enrollment”) and prerequisites, cross listed courses (“same as”), special fees, and pertinent information about the use of the course.

Courses and Numbering

All courses are listed alphabetically by course prefix and numerically within each prefix. The department and college assignments are also noted. ACU uses a three-digit course numbering system. Courses numbered 100 to 299 are lower-level courses (primarily for freshmen and sophomores). Courses numbered from 300 to 499 are upper-level, or advanced, courses (primarily for juniors and seniors). Courses numbered 500 to 799 are graduate courses. All courses numbered 000 to 099 do not count toward graduation or GPA.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Some courses have prerequisites, which must be met before a student may register for that course, or corequisites, which must be completed simultaneously. In some cases, a student may have special knowledge, skills or background that will enable him or her to perform well in a given class without meeting its prerequisites or corequisites. Such a student should seek special permission from the department offering the course.

A course may not use the same requirement as both prerequisite and corequisite. Courses listed as corequisite must be taken together. Students may not drop or withdraw from a course with corequisite requirements without dropping or withdrawing from both courses. Students may repeat a course with corequisite requirements alone in subsequent attempts if they fail or do not receive degree credit for the course on the first attempt. However, in courses with a subject code of EACH, EDUC, NURS, or SPAN, students must repeat both corequisite courses if they fail or do not receive credit for one or both courses on the first attempt.

Students should refer to the most recent catalog for course corequisites, prerequisites, and restrictions.

Course Sequencing

Some courses have recommendations of a previous course(s) for appropriate sequencing. Such recommendations are not prerequisites; the system will allow any student meeting a course’s prerequisites to enroll for a course regardless of whether the student meets the sequencing recommendations. Students are cautioned, however, to follow sequencing recommendations when all of the courses in the sequence are on their degree plans.

Independent Study and Special Topics Courses

Neither an independent study nor a special topics course should be a version or instance of a course that already has been approved for inclusion in the catalog.

Independent Study

An independent study course is a unique, student-initiated and student-driven course. An independent study course should be used to enhance a degree. It should be used as a substitution for degree requirements only in rare circumstances; it should not be used to correct poor planning. All other catalog policies apply.

Independent study courses are usually designed to be worth 3 credit hours. Ideally, independent study courses should make up no more than 6 hours (5 percent) of any student’s undergraduate degree. They should make up no more than 20 percent of any student’s graduate degree. Independent study courses should use the even hundred course number appropriate to the level of study (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, etc.)

Student proposals for independent studies may be approved or denied based on faculty interest or availability and departmental priorities. Students in the Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program will incur a separate fee for an independent study course and should contact the Director of the DMin Program for details.

When proposing an independent study, the student should complete the Independent Study Request form and discuss it – including the outcomes and artifacts of the study – with the proposed faculty member. Artifacts should support the student’s and the faculty member’s intended outcomes for the course through research, written work, creative projects, and/or professional projects. If the course is approved by the faculty member, the faculty member is responsible for creating the syllabus for the independent study. The syllabus must include the learning outcomes and how they will be measured.

The syllabus and Independent Study Request form should be submitted to the chair and dean on a timeline that would allow for the proposal to be approved or denied prior to the beginning of the term or part of term in which the course is being proposed. Study Abroad courses should be approved prior to departure from the United States.

Special topics

A special topics course is faculty/department-initiated and faculty-driven. A special topics course will be included in the course schedule for registration in a given term and could be used as a pilot for addition to the curriculum. A substitution form must be submitted for a special topics course to satisfy degree requirement. All other catalog policies apply.

The special topics syllabus must be submitted to the dean before March 1 for a fall course or October 1 for a spring or summer course, so that it will be available for student registration. Special topics courses should choose the course number appropriate to the level of study from the following: 140, 240, 340, 440, 540, 640, 740, etc.

The Texas Common Course Numbering System

The Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS) has been designed for the purpose of aiding students in the transfer of general academic courses between colleges and universities throughout Texas. Common courses are freshman and sophomore academic credit courses that have been identified as common by institutions that are members of the common course numbering system. The system ensures that if the student takes the courses the receiving institution designates as common, then the courses will be accepted in transfer.

For further information contact the transfer course coordinator in the Registrar’s Office.


Music Education

  • MUSE 119 - Concepts of Strings

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Spring, even years

    Survey of performance practices, literature, and history of stringed instruments.
  • MUSE 125 - Concepts of Brass

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Fall, odd years

    Survey of performance practices, literature, and history of trumpet and French horn.
  • MUSE 211 - Concepts of Jazz and Improvisation

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Fall, even years

    A survey of Jazz from 1890 to the present with special emphasis on improvisational skills.
  • MUSE 221 - Jazz Pedagogy

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Fall, even years

    Explores the various skills and techniques used in teaching jazz and running a jazz program at the secondary and college level.
  • MUSE 235 - Instrumental Concepts

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Fall, odd years

    A study of teaching, playing and care of orchestra/band instruments for the vocal music education major. Instrument groups included will be strings, woodwind, brass and percussion.
  • MUSE 236 - Vocal Concepts

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Fall, odd years

    A study of the pedagogical aspects of the human voice, diction for singers and choral techniques for the instrumental music education major.
  • MUSE 330 - Music Education for Elementary Teachers

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Instruction in music fundamentals and the integration of music into the elementary classroom curriculum. Designed for elementary education majors. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program.
  • MUSE 332 - Elementary Music Techniques and Literature

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring

    Survey and evaluation materials and methods used in teaching music in the elementary school. Prerequisite: 12 hours of music. Satisfies requirement for EDUC 431 .
  • MUSE 333 - Secondary Music Methods: Choral Organization and Administration

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, odd years

    Organizational skills and management techniques necessary for the maintenance of a vocal choral organization. Special emphasis on literature for the large ensembles. Satisfies requirement for EDUC 412 .
  • MUSE 334 - Beginning Conducting

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Fall

    Techniques of conducting both choral and instrumental groups. Supervised laboratory experience. Prerequisite: 12 hours of music.
  • MUSE 335 - Concepts of Piano Performance

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, even years

    The elements of successful piano teaching at all levels, including literature, technique, musicianship, and style.
  • MUSE 336 - Concepts of Vocal Performance

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, even years

    Methods and pedagogical procedures in vocal instruction.
  • MUSE 337 - Intermediate Conducting

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Spring

    Advanced techniques of conducting, rehearsal methods, and score study of field-specific literature. Supervised lab experience. Choral and instrumental sections taught separately. Prerequisite: MUSE 334 .
  • MUSE 338 - Band Methods: Marching Techniques and Wind Literature

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Fall, even years

    Students will learn the methods and techniques of organizing and directing a school band program by focusing on the planning, writing, and rehearsing of a marching band drill as well as historical and performative aspects of wind literature. Prerequisite: MUSE 334 .
  • MUSE 339 - Secondary Music Methods - Instrumental

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, odd years

    Organizational skills and management techniques necessary for the maintenance of a large performance ensemble. Prerequisite: MUSE 338 .


  • MUSM 131 - Music in World Cultures

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Spring

    Survey of traditional, classical and contemporary music from selected world cultures. Special attention will be given to placing music into cultural context. Also, various methodologies of studying and teaching indigenous music of various cultures will be explored. May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • MUSM 132 - Music Literature

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Fall

    A survey of western music from the middle ages through the contemporary period, emphasizing major composers and compositions of Western art music. May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • MUSM 230 - Survey of Music in Western Culture

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, odd years, Summer

    Examines the musical, historical, and social aspects of Western music from the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classic, Romantic, and Contemporary periods. Emphasis is placed on the active listening of representative genres, characteristics, and styles. May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • MUSM 231 - Survey of Jazz

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, odd years

    Surveys the musical, historical and social aspects of jazz from its inception to the present day, with an emphasis on representative genres (including the Blues, New Orleans and Chicago Styles, Swing, Bop, Cool/Third-Stream, Free-Form (Avant Garde), Fusion, and Contemporary), characteristics, styles and performers. May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • MUSM 232 - Survey of Popular Music

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, even years, Summer

    Surveys the musical, historical and social aspects of popular music in America from the late nineteenth century to the present. Emphasis on representative genres (including Tin Pan Alley, Blues, Country and Western, Big Band, Rock and Roll, Rhythm and Blues, Punk, Heavy Metal, and Hip Hop), characteristics, styles and performers. May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • MUSM 233 - Survey of World Music

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, even years

    Surveys traditional, classical, and contemporary music from selected world cultures through representative genres, characteristics and styles. Special attention will be given to placing music into cultural context. May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • MUSM 234 - The Arts and History in Nineteenth-Century Europe

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, even years

    This course introduces and examines musical, artistic, social, and historical aspects of the “Long Nineteenth Century” (French Revolution - World War I). Emphasis is placed on the active listening and viewing of representative genres, recognizing characteristics and styles, and placing art into a historical context that recognizes influence and impact. May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • MUSM 331 - Solo Vocal Literature

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, odd years

    A survey of the Western European and American Art Song from its origin in the mid-eighteenth century to the present. Emphasis on major composers and representative literature.
  • MUSM 431 - Music History I: Antiquity to 1750

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall

    A survey of the development of musical genres, styles, and compositional practices from Antiquity to 1750. Attention will be given to parallel developments in church history and liturgy as they relate to music. Prerequisite: MUSM 131  and MUSM 132 . A capstone and writing-intensive course.
  • MUSM 432 - Music History II: 1750-the Present

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring

    A survey of the development of musical genres, styles, and compositional practices from 1750 to the present day. Prerequisite: MUSM 131 , MUSM 132 , MUSM 431 .
  • MUSM 439 - Opera History

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, odd years

    Development and history of opera as a musical and dramatic art form.
  • MUSM 441 - Solo Piano Literature

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, even years

    Survey of solo piano music from the 18th century to the present. Emphasis on major composers and their representative works.
  • MUSM 442 - Ensemble Piano Literature

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, odd years

    Survey of ensemble piano music form the early 18th century to the present. Emphasis on major composers and their representative works. Prerequisite: MUSM 441 .
  • MUSM 449 - Capstone Seminar in Music History and Theory

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Spring

    Review of the six historical time periods with systematic analysis (historical and theoretical) of music from the Common Practice Era. Style identification and analytical projects tailored to the needs of the class. Designed to prepare students for the ExCET and graduate entrance exams. Prerequisite: MUSM 431  and/or simultaneous enrollment in MUSM 432 . A capstone course.

Recital Seminar

  • MUSR 301 - Recital Seminar

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 0
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Seminar in listening and performance. Includes attendance at departmental, organizations, faculty, and solo recitals. Required for music majors (whether for credit/No-Credit until eight semesters have been completed). May be repeated. Participation fee. Same as MUSR 311 .
  • MUSR 311 - Recital Seminar

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Seminar in listening and performance. Includes attendance at departmental, organizations, faculty, and solo recitals. Required for music majors (whether for Credit/No-Credit until eight semesters have been completed). May be repeated. Same as MUSR 301 . Choral, Instrumental, and Piano meet separately.

Music Theory

  • MUST 111 - Aural Skills I

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Fall

    Singing in treble, bass, alto, and tenor clefs; major and minor modes, elementary melodic and harmonic diction. Corequisite: MUST 131 .
  • MUST 112 - Aural Skills II

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Spring

    Prerequisite: MUST 111 , MUST 131 . Corequisite: MUST 132 .
  • MUST 120 - Music Fundamentals

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Fall

    A review of the fundamentals of music including clefs, key signatures, time signatures, and notation. Designed to prepare students for the music theory sequence.
  • MUST 131 - Theory I

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall

    Introduction to analysis, part-writing, figured bass realization, and harmonization using diatonic harmony. Prerequisite: A Music Entrance Exam score of greater than 40 percent or satisfactory completion of MUST 120 . Corequisite: MUST 111 .
  • MUST 132 - Theory II

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring

    Continuation of analysis, part writing, figured bass realization and harmonization covering the harmonic vocabulary of 18th century music including diatonic chords, secondary dominants, and modulation. Prerequisite: MUST 111  and MUST 131 . Corequisite: MUST 112 .
  • MUST 211 - Aural Skills III

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Fall

    Includes chromaticism and modulations to closely related keys. Prerequisite: MUST 112 , MUST 132 . Corequisite: MUST 231 .
  • MUST 212 - Aural Skills IV

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Spring

    Continuation of MUST 211  with modulations to all keys. Emphasis on development of improvisational skills. Prerequisite: MUST 211 . Corequisite: MUST 232 .
  • MUST 231 - Theory III

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall

    Analysis, part-writing, and figured bass realization and harmonization covering the extended harmonic vocabulary of the nineteenth century including modulation, altered chords, chromatic harmony, and modes. Prerequisite: MUST 112 , MUST 132 . Corequisite: MUST 211 .
  • MUST 232 - Theory IV

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring

    Literature, analysis and theoretical concepts of music since 1900. Emphasis will be placed on computer applications in music. This course satisfies the computer literacy requirements for music majors seeking teacher certification. Prerequisite: MUST 231 . Corequisite: MUST 212 .
  • MUST 233 - Jazz Theory and Improvisation

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Fall, odd years

    Introduces the fundamentals of jazz theory and improvisational techniques, emphasizing in-class improvising in various jazz styles and formats. Prerequisite: MUST 231 .
  • MUST 331 - Counterpoint

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Fall, odd years

    The study and analysis of late 17th and early 18th century polyphony with emphasis on stylistic composition in two and three parts. Prerequisite: MUST 232 .
  • MUST 333 - Jazz Composition and Arranging

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Spring, even years

    Explores the technical and creative aspects required to compose and arrange various jazz works ranging from small combo to a traditional big band. Prerequisite: MUST 233 .
  • MUST 432 - Orchestration and Arranging

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Fall

    Ranges, transpositions, timbres, and individual characteristics of band and orchestra instruments, with experience in scoring for small ensembles, full band, and orchestra. Prerequisite: 12 hours of music including MUST 231 , MUST 231 , or by permission.


  • NURS 308 - Global Healthcare

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Summer

    A study of healthcare delivery systems, quality of healthcare, and the impact of socioeconomic factors and culture on the delivery of healthcare through readings, discussion and interviews. Field experience will be gained through service-learning activities and observation within a medical community. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Corequisite: Participation in required shadowing, observation, and service components. Same as PHP 308 . May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • NURS 320 - Evidence-Based Gerontologic Nursing

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Summer

    Evidence-Based Gerontologic Nursing presents the specialized knowledge and application needed by professional nurses to provide safe, quality, and evidence-based care to the older adults. Prerequisite: NURS 360  and NURS 361 .
  • NURS 326 - Experiential Learning in Nursing

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Summer

    The nursing experiential learning course provides an exploration of experiential learning within nursing practice utilizing four different learning tracks and exploring the relationship of the tracks to one another. Prerequisite: Admission to the ACU School of Nursing (SON) and successful completion of NURS 360  and NURS 361 . The course may be taken at other times if approved by the administration of the ACU SON.
  • NURS 330 - Pharmacology in Nursing

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Pharmacology in Nursing introduces students to the nurse’s role in safe medication administration and error prevention for the highest potential health outcomes. Medication classes and nursing implications will be discussed. Prerequisite: Admission to the School of Nursing. Course fee.
  • NURS 337 - Applied Pathophysiology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

    Applied pathophysiology introduces students to an understanding of disease physiology and clinical manifestations in adults and children with the application of the focused assessments and patient histories needed in safe nursing practice. Prerequisite: Admission to the School of Nursing. Course fee.
  • NURS 345 - Foundations of Nursing

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Learners will explore the topics of medication calculations, beginning pharmacology, and medical terminology with the goal of ensuring positive patient care and outcomes in the clinical setting. Prerequisite: Admission to the School of Nursing.
  • NURS 350 - Clinical Skills I: Fundamentals of Nursing

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 12
    Credit Hours: 4
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Clinical Skills I introduces students to the competencies needed to understand and apply the evidence-based clinical reasoning, assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation within the nursing scope of practice to adult patients across the continuum of care. The course includes simulation and clinical experience in a variety of health care settings. Prerequisite: Admission to the School of Nursing. Corequisite: NURS 352 . Course fee.
  • NURS 351 - Nursing Assessment and Diagnostics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Nursing Assessment introduces students to the knowledge, judgment, skills, behaviors, and attitudes of holistic, comprehensive, and focused assessments needed to plan, implement, and evaluate strategies to achieve the highest potential health outcomes. Prerequisite: Admission to the School of Nursing. Course fee.
  • NURS 352 - Evidence-Based Fundamentals of Nursing

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Evidence-based Fundamentals of Nursing introduces students to the knowledge, judgment, skills, behaviors, and attitudes needed to understand and apply the evidence-based clinical reasoning, implementation, and evaluation within the nursing scope of practice. Prerequisite: Admission to the School of Nursing. Corequisite: NURS 350 .
  • NURS 360 - Clinical Skills II: Acute Medical-Surgical Nursing

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 12
    Credit Hours: 4
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Clinical Skills II: Acute Medical-Surgical Nursing facilitates-student competencies needed to understand and apply the evidence-based clinical reasoning, assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation within the nursing scope of practice to patients in acute care simulation and clinical experience in a variety of acute health care settings. Prerequisite: NURS 350  and NURS 352 . Corequisite: NURS 361   Course fee.
  • NURS 361 - Evidence-Based Acute Medical-Surgical Nursing

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 4
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Evidence-Based Acute Medical-Surgical Nursing facilitates student learning of knowledge, judgments, skills, and behaviors to implement evidence-based clinical competencies in professional nursing practice. The course will focus on patents requiring hospitalization in a variety of medical-surgical settings. Prerequisite: NURS 350  and NURS 352 . Corequisite: NURS 360   Course fee.
  • NURS 380 - Nursing Research for Evidence-Based Practice

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Nursing Research for Evidence-Based Practice introduces students to the knowledge, judgments, skills, and behaviors to initiate, analyze, and apply nursing research and evidence-based standards to nursing practice in health care environments. This course is available for variable credit. Please see your advisor for more information. Prerequisite: Admission to the School of Nursing. Same as NURO 380 .
  • NURS 430 - Clinical Skills III: Mental Health Nursing

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Clinical Skills III: Mental Health Nursing introduces students to the competencies needed to understand and apply the evidence-based nursing practice to patients with mental health and psychosocial issues in a variety of health care settings. Prerequisite: NURS 360  and NURS 361 . Corequisite: NURS 431 . Course fee.
  • NURS 431 - Evidence-Based Mental Health Nursing

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Evidence-Based Mental Health Nursing introduces mental health, cognitive pathophysiology, and psychosocial issues of patients of all ages in a variety of health care settings along the continuum of care. Prerequisite: NURS 360  and NURS 361 . Corequisite: NURS 430 . Course fee.
  • NURS 450 - Clinical Skills III: Maternity and Pediatric Nursing

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 12
    Credit Hours: 4
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Clinical Skills III: Maternity and Pediatric Nursing presents competencies needed to apply evidence-based nursing practice to childbearing women and children of all ages across the continuum of care. The course provides simulation and clinical experiences in a variety of health care settings. Prerequisite: NURS 360  and NURS 361 . Corequisite: NURS 453 . Course fee.
  • NURS 453 - Evidence-Based Maternity and Pediatric Nursing

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 4
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Maternity and Pediatric Nursing introduces students to competencies needed to implement holistic, comprehensive, and safe nursing practice on childbearing women and children of all ages across the health continuum, and in a variety of health care settings. Prerequisite: NURS 360  and NURS 361 . Corequisite: NURS 450 .
  • NURS 464 - Nursing Leadership and Management

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Nursing Leadership and Management introduces evidence-based concepts and competencies in nursing leadership and management to promote safety and quality care within complex health care systems. Prerequisite: NURS 360  and NURS 361 . A writing-intensive and capstone course. Course fee. Same as NURO 464.
  • NURS 475 - Clinical Skills IV: Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 18
    Credit Hours: 6
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Clinical Skills IV: Advanced Nursing facilitates student competencies needed to apply the evidence-based leadership/management skills, and nursing process for safety and quality care in high acuity simulation and complex care settings. Prerequisite: NURS 320 , NURS 360 , and NURS 361 . Corequisite: NURS 476 . Course fee.
  • NURS 476 - Evidence-Based Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing facilitates student learning of competencies required to implement evidence-based safety and quality care to patients with complex needs in professional nursing practice. Prerequisite: NURS 320 , NURS 360 , and NURS 361 . Corequisite: NURS 475 . Course fee.
  • NURS 477 - Evidence-Based Community and Population Health

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Community and Population Health introduces students to the competencies and roles of community health and public health nursing for disease prevention, health promotion, health maintenance, health restoration, and health surveillance for communities and targeted populations in a variety of community health care settings. Prerequisite: NURS 360  and NURS 361 . Course fee. Same as NURO 477 .
  • NURS 498 - Integration of Evidence Based Nursing Practice

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Integrates all nursing competencies in complex multiple patient care situations for individual and health care system effectiveness. Prerequisite: Senior standing. May not be taken until the final semester of the nursing program. All NURS 300-level courses must be successfully completed. Course fee.
  • NURS 612 - Scientific Underpinnings to Practice

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    The course explores theoretical foundations of advanced nursing practice and complementary disciplines. This course focuses on applying theoretical and conceptual frameworks to guide decision making that enhances health for culturally diverse populations. Students will examine, critique, and evaluate appropriate theories as the basis for the highest level of nursing practice.
  • NURS 615 - Advanced Nursing Leadership Role

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course introduces the learner to leadership theory and strategies to ensure an environment committed to the use of evidence-based practice to provide the highest standards of patient safety and health outcomes.
  • NURS 621 - Advanced Pathophysiology

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    This course provides an advanced understanding of pathophysiology as a foundation for advanced nursing practice. Students will integrate knowledge of biological sciences, cellular biology, tumor biology, genetics and genomics, immunology, and disease pathogenesis across the lifespan. Prerequisite: NURS 612 .
  • NURS 622 - Leadership, Communication, and Collaboration within Interprofessional Teams

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 1
    This course provides students with the knowledge and skill to lead change and positively influence organizational processes and outcomes. Students will evaluate leadership principles, organizational processes, and communication skills to lead quality improvement and patient safety initiatives within health care systems. Prerequisite: NURS 612 .
  • NURS 624 - Spirituality and Nursing Care

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    In this course, the learner addresses Christian service and leadership issues as well as health literacy in practical ways which can be incorporated into everyday nursing practice.
  • NURS 627 - Population Health

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course discusses the evolution of population health from the early years of public health to the concept of community well-being. Topics explored include the policy drivers behind this shift in focus, the role of health beliefs in behavioral change, and the new roles of nurses.
  • NURS 631 - Advanced Health Assessment and Promotion

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    This course expands knowledge and clinical experiences in physical examination, risk assessment, and health promotion of diverse clients across the lifespan. Students will explore the interactions of cultural, developmental, biopsychosocial, and socio-cultural contexts and their resultant health effects. Prerequisite: NURS 612 .
  • NURS 636 - Quality Improvement in Healthcare

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 1
    This course provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to design, implement, and evaluate quality improvement initiatives within healthcare systems. Students will employ quality improvement methodologies as they identify a complex nursing case issue and the needed variables for tests of change in the clinical setting. Course concepts will include quality improvement strategies for creating, sustaining, and measuring change within interprofessional teams to improve patient-centered healthcare quality, safety, and cost effectiveness. Prerequisite: NURS 612 .
  • NURS 647 - Advanced Pharmacology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course expands the students’ knowledge and skills of pharmacologic therapies of common health conditions across the lifespan. Students will utilize concepts of advanced pharmacotherapeutic management and evidence-based treatment guidelines into nursing practice. Course content illustrates the relationship of pharmacotherapeutic agents on pathophysiologic responses and physical examination findings of altered health states. Prerequisite: NURS 612 .
  • NURS 648 - Translating Evidence into Practice

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course provides the student with the knowledge and understanding of the association between research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement in advanced nursing practice. Students will demonstrate problem identification, examination of evidence, and the development of strategies to incorporate research into advanced nursing practice. Course content will include the exploration, critique, utilization, and synthesis of research findings to address specific healthcare questions or concerns. Prerequisite: NURS 612 .
  • NURS 655 - Advanced Clinical Practice

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course provides the student a clinical immersion experience which will integrate the knowledge gained during the first year of the BSN-DNP track coursework. Students will conduct a comprehensive and systematic assessment, plan, intervention, and evaluation of a complex health or illness concern to improve patient or healthcare outcomes. Course content will include advanced diagnostic reasoning and clinical decision-making while translating the evidence into practice. Prerequisite: NURS 612 .
  • NURS 675 - Nurse Leaders as Stewards in the Healthcare System

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course challenges learners to explore the concept of stewardship of human, financial, and environmental resources and to connect these concepts to fundamental Christian principles.
  • NURS 681 - Leading the Translation of Evidence into Practice

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course discusses key concepts such as complex leadership adaptive theory, principles of negotiation, diffusion of innovation, sustainability of change, and rapid response to health crises/natural disasters. Learners will also discuss principles of effective communication, a prerequisite to change.
  • NURS 685 - Leadership Practicum

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    In this course, the learner will assess the purpose of a program, efforts to improve the quality of life, use of data for decision-making, and an analysis of the effectiveness of leadership, stewardship, and meeting the diverse needs of a population.
  • NURS 701 - DNP Role

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course analyzes the roles and responsibilities of DNPs and the competencies required for practitioner, leader, advocate, collaborator, and clinical scholar. Students will apply theoretical/conceptual frameworks that support implementation of the DNP role in a variety of health care delivery settings and evaluate their effectiveness.
  • NURS 703 - Informatics to Improve Patient Care

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Students explore information technology and patient care technologies to improve patient outcomes in a variety of settings. Students focus on designing databases for clinical projects and collecting and analyzing appropriate and accurate data in order to predict and analyze outcomes of care. Further, students use this analysis to identify gaps in evidence for practice and thus, improve patient care delivery. Prerequisite: NURS 701 .
  • NURS 705 - Applied Statistics and Research in Nursing

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course explores research designs, improvement science, and statistical analysis to analyze evidence-based practice literature and protocols to improve healthcare delivery. As part of the course of study, students develop the need for a DNP scholarship project through a comprehensive literature review of an identified healthcare problem.
  • NURS 712 - Epidemiology and Population Health

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course integrates concepts from Epidemiology and Population Health in order to improve aggregate and selected population health. The role of the DNP in improving population health through collaboration with groups, organizations, and networks, and the use of epidemiological applications and technology are emphasized. Prerequisite: NURS 701 , NURS 703 , and NURS 705 .
  • NURS 714 - Genomic Implications in Advanced Practice

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course highlights the role that genetics play in numerous health conditions found in primary care and the implications of genomics in planning, implementing, and evaluating care. The role of health histories and genetic testing in the diagnosis and treatment of disease are explored, and students use the Evaluation of Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention from the US CDC to expand their knowledge of genetics in primary care.
  • NURS 716 - Healthcare Finance and Clinical Practice

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course explores the impact of healthcare finance and related policies on the development, implementation, and evaluation of advanced practice. Students apply principles of business, finance, and economics to ensure quality, cost-effective care.
  • NURS 721 - Healthcare Policy and Clinical Practice

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course reviews healthcare policies that frame healthcare financing, practice regulation, access, safety, quality, and efficacy, in order to address issues of social justice and equity in healthcare. DNP students learn to be influencers of policy by integrating their knowledge of practice into the analysis of policy development process and engage in politically competent action.
  • NURS 723 - Foundations of Integrative Healthcare

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course provides the framework for DNPs to integrate traditional medical treatment with alternative approaches to the treatment of conditions commonly treated in healthcare.
  • NURS 727 - Population Health and Chronic Disease Management

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course provides an in-depth analysis of selected chronic care conditions treated in primary care, including assessment, diagnosis, treatment, evaluation, and patient education. Legal, ethical, psychosocial, and cultural implications and the role of a DNP will be considered.
  • NURS 731 - Organizational and System Leadership

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course presents principles of practice management, including fiscal and organizational implications to balance productivity with quality care. Assessment of the impact of practice policies and procedures in meeting the needs of patients in primary care will be considered.
  • NURS 733 - Healthcare Reform: Current Issues Affecting Nursing Practice

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    The course will examine and analyze the impact of healthcare reform on the evolution of the US healthcare delivery system. Strategies to address the resulting financial, ethical, and legal dilemmas will also be analyzed.
  • NURS 735 - Quality Improvement

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course explores leadership roles in the provision of safe and evidence-based nursing care using quality improvement techniques, tools, and appropriate healthcare outcome measures. Students apply strategies for the engagement of inter-professional teams, stakeholders, and patients and their families in the pursuit of the values of high-reliability organizations.
  • NURS 737 - Health Program Planning and Evaluation

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course takes learners through the program planning and evaluation stages using needs assessment, development of goals, literature review, use of theory, setting measurable objectives in intervention activities, and design of evaluation measures. Learners will also cover use of logic models for communication.
  • NURS 752 - DNP Project I

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course integrates principles of evidence-based research, improvement science, and information technology into the development of a DNP project. Theoretical frameworks which provide direction for DNP projects are also considered. Students develop a plan to address the problem of interest identified in a literature review developed in previous coursework. Students craft a mission, goals and objectives, as well as an action plan for the project. The action plan includes selection of a relevant population and evidence-based interventions. Students will serve as peer reviewers for colleagues’ projects. Prerequisite: Permission to Schedule the Project Proposal form signed by the DNP Project Team. Course fee.
  • NURS 754 - DNP Project II

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 1.5
    This course integrates principles of evidence-based research, improvement science, and information technology into the analysis and evaluation of a DNP project. Theoretical frameworks which provide direction for DNP projects are also considered. Students analyze and disseminate findings of their implementation plan used to address the problem of interest identified in a literature review developed in Advanced Research and Statistics and methodology completed in DNP Project I. Prerequisite: NURS 752 , Permission to Schedule the Final Defensel Form signed by the DNP Project Team. Course fee.
  • NURS 756 - DNP Project III

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 1.5
    This course is the second phase of the final course in the program. Students complete final edits to their project papers and prepare for editorial review and publication in the university’s Digital Commons database. Students also work on a manuscript for publication of their project findings that provides a brief overview of their project results and plans for contributions to nursing and medical sciences. Prerequisite: NURS 754 .
  • NURS 758 - Scholarly Project Implementation

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course provides students with the tools to finalize their DNP projects. Students will defend, submit a scholarly paper, and describe their plan for disseminating the results. Students complete final edits to their project papers and prepare for editorial review and publication in the university’s Digital Commons database. Prerequisite: NURS 752  and Permission to Schedule the Final Defense Form signed by the DNP Project Team. Course fee.


  • NUTR 120 - Nutrition and Wellness

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Addresses current trends in nutrition (information and misinformation), food safety, world nutrition and hunger issues, and the impact of nutrients, diet, and weight control on health. It empowers the students to ask questions concerning nutrition and seek answers appropriately. May be used to satisfy University Requirements. Same as NTRO 120 .
  • NUTR 221 - Introductory Nutrition

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall

    Nutritional needs of various age groups and the influence of socioeconomic, cultural, and psychological factors on food and nutrition behavior presented in a descriptive survey of nutrient requirements and utilization by the human body.
  • NUTR 222 - Food Selection and Preparation

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall

    Study of basic food science and culinary techniques. The student will demonstrate basic food preparation and presentation. Provides working knowledge of food selection, food safety and sanitation, pleasurable eating, sensory evaluation of food, and food regulations.
  • NUTR 224 - Nutrition for Exercise and Sport

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring

    Provides comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date information concerning basic fundamentals of how the active individual can achieve optimal nutrition by fueling before, during, and after exercising. Examines how the athlete can use nutrition to achieve peak performance. Same as NTRO 224 .

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