Feb 19, 2025
2022-2023 Catalog With Addendum [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Management, Interdisciplinary, BBA (MGMT-BIND)
Students must meet the following criteria before being admitted to a MGMT Interdisciplinary program:
- Students must have earned at least 42 and no more than 72 credit hours to declare a MGMT Interdisciplinary major and should have a minimum GPA of 3.5.
- Students must submit a written statement explaining the value of an interdisciplinary track to their academic interests and career goals. The statement should address why the interdisciplinary track is a better fit for the student than any existing degree or track, and that no other existing degree or track can support what the student seeks to accomplish with their education. Students should have a clear rationale for pursuing the track. With rare exception, practical considerations, such as reducing time required to graduate, are not valid justifications for pursuing the MGMT Interdisciplinary track.
- The department chair from the Management Sciences department must approve the degree plan, including finalizing required courses from that major that must be included in the degree plan. The Provost’s Office must approve the degree plan as a whole.
- The Registrar’s Office must ensure that the plan meets the general graduation requirements for the University and that areas selected for the MGMT Interdisciplinary track are areas in which the University is approved to grant degrees (including minors), based on the catalog.
Business Foundations
International Courses
Choose one: Management Core
Choose one: Interdisciplinary (BIND)
- Choose 6 hours of upper-level (300-499) MGMT courses
- Choose 3 hours from any upper-level (300-499) business course (ACCT, FIN, BLAW, BUSA, ECON, ENTR, IS, MGMT, MKTG)
- Choose 3 hours from the following:
- Choose 12 hours from any combination of courses
Minimum - 9 Credit Hours Other Graduation Requirements
Minimum grade in each business and emphases course: C Minimum GPA for graduation: 2.50 Minimum advanced hours: 33 Minimum total hours: 128 Courses numbered 0** do not count in minimum hours required for degree. |