Feb 10, 2025
2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
University Requirements
University Requirements, except advanced courses, should be completed by the end of the sophomore year.
General Education Requirements
The Core (3 Credit Hours)
Bible (9 Credit Hours)
(Lower Level Required Courses) Communication (3 Credit Hours)
Science (6 Credit Hours)
Students may take two unconnected courses in different disciplines or one two-semester sequence of courses within a single discipline from the following list: Agricultural and Environmental Science
Mathematics (3 Credit Hours)
- MATW 120, MATH 120 or higher Credits: 3
Social Science (3 Credit Hours)
Choose 3 credit hours from the following list: History and Global Studies
Journalism and Mass Communication
Kinesiology (2 Credit Hours)
Total General Education Hours: 38
Additional University Requirements
Bible (6 Credit Hours)
(Upper Level Selections) - Choose 2: BIBH, BIBL, BIBM, BIBP, BIBT, BMIS (300-499)
Historical Literacy (3 Credit Hours)
Choose 3 credit hours from the following list: Cultural Awareness (3 Credit Hours)
Choose 3 credit hours from the following list: Biology, Chemistry and Communication Science and Disorders
Foreign Language
- Foreign Language (Spanish, German, French, Latin) 111 or higher *
*Admitted students who have not earned at least two high school units of the same foreign language are required to complete 6 hours of college-level foreign language (one language). History and Global Studies
University Requirements Selection (3 Credit Hours)
- Choose 3 credit hours from any menu listed above.
Free Elective (3 Credit Hours)
- Choose 3 hours from any ACU courses not required for your major.
Total Hours from Additional Requirements: 18
Total University Requirements Hours: 56
A single course cannot satisfy a requirement in more than one area of University Requirements. For example, HIST 117 may fulfill the social science or the cultural awareness selection, but not both. Students with demonstrated proficiency may petition to take selected advanced courses in place of the courses listed in this menu. Note: For the University Requirements for the associate of arts degree in architecture, refer to Architecture, AA (ARCH) . University Requirements for ACU Degrees
University Requirements for certain baccalaureate degrees include additions or modifications to the University Requirements for all bachelor’s degrees. See the chart below for special requirements for the BA, BBA, BFA, BM, BS, BSE, and BSN degrees. BA | 6 hours - Sophomore foreign language 3 hours - Sophomore (or higher) literature | BBA | 3 hours - ECON 260 or ECON 261 | BFA | 3 hours - Sophomore (or higher) literature | BM | Minimum of 72 hours of music | BS | No additional hours | BSE | No additional hours | BSN | 12 hours - Bible total | |