2022-2023 Catalog With Addendum 
    Sep 23, 2024  
2022-2023 Catalog With Addendum [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

The information following course titles indicate (1) hours per week of lecture, (2) hours per week of laboratory and (3) credit hours. A small number of courses are offered for a variable number of credit hours, and the credit hours listed represent the maximum number of hours possible for credit. This will be noted in the course description.

The frequency of offering follows the meeting and credit hour information. Courses offered every year are designated by semester(s) only. Courses offered every other year are designated by semester and odd/even year.

Note: Since most courses are not offered every semester, students should be aware that failure to take a required course when it is offered may delay graduation.

Any course may be offered on demand should sufficient interest be demonstrated and should a qualified instructor be available. “Demand” courses with a defined content will be offered as regularly as practical for the host department.

At the end of the course description, the following information will be given when applicable: laboratory information, corequisites (“simultaneous enrollment”) and prerequisites, cross listed courses (“same as”), special fees, and pertinent information about the use of the course.

Courses and Numbering

All courses are listed alphabetically by course prefix and numerically within each prefix. The department and college assignments are also noted. ACU uses a three-digit course numbering system. Courses numbered 100 to 299 are lower-level courses (primarily for freshmen and sophomores). Courses numbered from 300 to 499 are upper-level, or advanced, courses (primarily for juniors and seniors). Courses numbered 500 to 799 are graduate courses. All courses numbered 000 to 099 do not count toward graduation or GPA.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Some courses have prerequisites, which must be met before a student may register for that course, or corequisites, which must be completed simultaneously. In some cases, a student may have special knowledge, skills or background that will enable him or her to perform well in a given class without meeting its prerequisites or corequisites. Such a student should seek special permission from the department offering the course.

A course may not use the same requirement as both prerequisite and corequisite. Courses listed as corequisite must be taken together. Students may not drop or withdraw from a course with corequisite requirements without dropping or withdrawing from both courses. Students may repeat a course with corequisite requirements alone in subsequent attempts if they fail or do not receive degree credit for the course on the first attempt. However, in courses with a subject code of EACH, EDUC, NURS, or SPAN, students must repeat both corequisite courses if they fail or do not receive credit for one or both courses on the first attempt.

Students should refer to the most recent catalog for course corequisites, prerequisites, and restrictions.

Course Sequencing

Some courses have recommendations of a previous course(s) for appropriate sequencing. Such recommendations are not prerequisites; the system will allow any student meeting a course’s prerequisites to enroll for a course regardless of whether the student meets the sequencing recommendations. Students are cautioned, however, to follow sequencing recommendations when all of the courses in the sequence are on their degree plans.

Independent Study and Special Topics Courses

Neither an independent study nor a special topics course should be a version or instance of a course that already has been approved for inclusion in the catalog.

Independent Study

An independent study course is a unique, student-initiated and student-driven course. An independent study course should be used to enhance a degree. It should be used as a substitution for degree requirements only in rare circumstances; it should not be used to correct poor planning. All other catalog policies apply.

Independent study courses are usually designed to be worth 3 credit hours. Ideally, independent study courses should make up no more than 6 hours (5 percent) of any student’s undergraduate degree. They should make up no more than 20 percent of any student’s graduate degree. Independent study courses should use the even hundred course number appropriate to the level of study (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, etc.)

Student proposals for independent studies may be approved or denied based on faculty interest or availability and departmental priorities. Students in the Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program will incur a separate fee for an independent study course and should contact the Director of the DMin Program for details.

When proposing an independent study, the student should complete the Independent Study Request form and discuss it – including the outcomes and artifacts of the study – with the proposed faculty member. Artifacts should support the student’s and the faculty member’s intended outcomes for the course through research, written work, creative projects, and/or professional projects. If the course is approved by the faculty member, the faculty member is responsible for creating the syllabus for the independent study. The syllabus must include the learning outcomes and how they will be measured.

The syllabus and Independent Study Request form should be submitted to the chair and dean on a timeline that would allow for the proposal to be approved or denied prior to the beginning of the term or part of term in which the course is being proposed. Study Abroad courses should be approved prior to departure from the United States.

Special topics

A special topics course is faculty/department-initiated and faculty-driven. A special topics course will be included in the course schedule for registration in a given term and could be used as a pilot for addition to the curriculum. A substitution form must be submitted for a special topics course to satisfy degree requirement. All other catalog policies apply.

The special topics syllabus must be submitted to the dean before March 1 for a fall course or October 1 for a spring or summer course, so that it will be available for student registration. Special topics courses should choose the course number appropriate to the level of study from the following: 140, 240, 340, 440, 540, 640, 740, etc.

The Texas Common Course Numbering System

The Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS) has been designed for the purpose of aiding students in the transfer of general academic courses between colleges and universities throughout Texas. Common courses are freshman and sophomore academic credit courses that have been identified as common by institutions that are members of the common course numbering system. The system ensures that if the student takes the courses the receiving institution designates as common, then the courses will be accepted in transfer.

For further information contact the transfer course coordinator in the Registrar’s Office.


Management Online

  • MGMO 373 - Employee Planning, Recruitment and Selection

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Theory and application of methods for the planning, recruiting, and selecting of employees. Emphasis on statutory regulation of selection and placement, assessing recruitment objectives and sources, the selection process (including statistical methods), and career planning and development. Prerequisite: MGMO 330 , with a grade of “C” or better. Same as MGMT 373 .
  • MGMO 390 - Innovation

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Examines the theories and practices that enable individuals and teams to create, leverage, and manage innovation, with a focus on practical application and implementation in organizations.
  • MGMO 438 - Global Strategy

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    An applied examination of top-level business strategy, looking at how leaders guide organizations to meet objectives. This course specifically focuses on this topic from a global perspective, with the understanding that the future of business is global. Prerequisite: Senior standing. A capstone and writing-intensive course.
  • MGMO 447 - Compensation and Benefits Management

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduction to the management of employee compensation and benefits. Focuses on the roles of reward systems, legal and governmental constraints relating to compensation, job analysis and evaluation systems, structure for wages and salary systems, incentive-based compensation, and administration of compensation and benefits within the organization. Prerequisite: BLAO 363 , FINO 310 , MGMO 330 , all with a grade of “C” or better. Same as MGMT 447 .
  • MGMO 452 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Overview of the management of information, materiel, and processes that allow the extended enterprise to function effectively, emphasizing process integration throughout the organization including global sourcing strategy, requirements planning and inventory control, purchasing, receiving, manufacturing, distribution to customers, and internal accounting. Prerequisite: MGMO 331  with a grade of “C” or higher. Same as MGMT 452 .

Marketing Online

  • MKTO 320 - Principles of Marketing

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Overview of the marketing functions, marketing concept, marketing research, marketing ethics, market segmentation, target marketing, product, price, promotion and distribution strategies. Prerequisite: 24 earned hours. Same as MKTG 320 .
  • MKTO 341 - Marketing Research

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    A study of the role of market research in the business organization. Field exercise involving the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data as applied to the solution of marketing problems. Prerequisite: ISO 322 ; MKTO 320 , both with a grade of “C” or better. Same as MKTG 341 .
  • MKTO 342 - Consumer Behavior

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    The buyer as a problem solver; buying decision process: factors influencing behavior, principles, theories, and models. Data developed by behavioral science is employed to discern and explain consumer behavior. Emphasis is placed on integrating this data into current marketing practices. Prerequisite: MKTO 320  and MKTO 341 , with a grade of “C” or better. Same as MKTG 342 .
  • MKTO 343 - Personal Selling

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Explains the psychology of sales while developing effective negotiation and communication strategies that will be beneficial in selling ideas, concepts, and programs throughout one’s career. Handling objections, time management, customer relationship management and networking skills are applied from a client perspective. Prerequisite: 48 earned hours. Same as MKTG 343 .
  • MKTO 388 - Digital Marketing

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Fundamental concepts of marketing and promotion delivered via online channels. Topics include web design, search engine marketing, email and social media marketing, and reputation management. Prerequisite: MKTG 320 .
  • MKTO 435 - Data Mining

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Survey of the emerging technologies used to uncover patterns and associations in large databases for improved decision making in the marketing arena. Prerequisite: Any one of the following with a grade of “C” or better: ISO 322 , MATO 377 , PSYC 311 , or SOCI 416 . Same as ISO 435 .

Mathematics Online

  • MATO 123 - Elementary Statistics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of data, and probability. Analysis includes descriptive statistics, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression.  Prerequisite: Meet one of the following – MATH SAT score of 530; MATH ACT score of 20; or math placement testing into MATO 123. Will satisfy University Requirements mathematics requirement. Same as MATH 123 , MATW 123 , and MAWO 123 .
  • MATO 130 - Finite Math for Applications

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Fundamental concepts of mathematics applications for business, economics, and the social and behavioral sciences. Math of finance, sets, introduction to probability, functions and mathematical modeling. Prerequisite: Meet one of the following - MATH SAT (prior to March 1, 2016) score of 500; MATH SAT (after March 1, 2016) score of 530; MATH ACT of 20; or mathematics placement testing into MATH 130. For COBA, information technology, and agribusiness majors only. Will satisfy University Requirements. Same as MATH 130  and MATW 130 .
  • MATO 131 - Calculus for Application

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduction to differential and integral calculus of algebraic, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Emphasis on applications. Prerequisite: MATH 109  or MATW 109 , MATO 130 , or a satisfactory score on the math placement test. Not for MATH, MASC, or MATT majors. Credit will not be given for more than one of MATH 131  and MATH 185 . Same as MATH 131 .
  • MATO 377 - Statistical Methods I

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Measurement concepts and scales, populations versus samples, descriptive statistics, random variables and their properties, sampling processes and distributions, special probability distributions, confidence intervals on means and variances from samples, hypothesis tests, one-way analysis of variance, linear correlation and regression, estimation of proportions, and introduction to contingency tables. Prerequisite: MATO 131  or MATH 185 . Same as MATH 377 .

Mathematics Workshop Online

  • MAWO 019 - Basic Mathematics

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 3
    Preparation for MATW 120  or MAWO 130 . It will make use of technology-based instruction in a classroom/computer laboratory environment.  Students will have instruction on topics of importance to them.  The course may also be used to enable students wishing to enroll in MATH 109 , MATH 123 , or MATH 237  to prepare to meet the prerequisites for those courses. Does not satisfy the University mathematics requirement and is non-graduation credit, graded credit/no-credit. Same as MATW 019 .
  • MAWO 123 - Elementary Statistics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Credit Hours: 3
    Collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of data, and probability. Analysis includes descriptive statistics, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression. Includes an embedded workshop.  Prerequisite: Meet one of the following – MATH SAT score of 440-520; MATH ACT score of 17-19; MAWO 019 ; or mathematics placement testing into MAWO 123. Will satisfy University Requirements. Same as MATH 123 , MATO 123 , and MATW 123 .
  • MAWO 130 - Finite Math for Applications

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Credit Hours: 3
    Fundamental concepts of mathematics applications for business, economics, and the social and behavioral sciences. Math of finance, sets, introduction to probability, functions and mathematical modeling. Includes an embedded workshop. Prerequisite: MATH SAT score of 440-520; MATH ACT score of 17-19; mathematics placement into MATW 130 ; or a passing grade in MAWO 019 . For information technology administration majors only. Will satisfy University Requirements. Same as MATO 130 , MATW 130 , and MATH 130 .

Missions Online

  • BMSO 270 - Living the Mission

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This introductory missions course familiarizes students with key themes and dimensions of the world Christian movement, beginning with an overview of God’s continuous engagement with human culture from Genesis to our contemporary 21st century context. Using both biblical and historical biographies, the course gives special emphasis to how God has brought about Kingdom blessings by using ordinary people motivated by the mission dei (“the mission of God”) in their own particular cultural contexts. May NOT be used to satisfy a Bible University Requirement. Same as BMIS 270 .
  • BMSO 371 - Religion in Global Contexts

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Through the exploration of religious change in the world, this course engages students with major anthropological and sociological debates on religion, secularism, and global modernity. Using a variety of methodological approaches to the study of religion, it equips students to thoughtfully address a variety of religious thoughts and practices from a uniquely Christian perspective. Prerequisite: BIBO 101 BIBO 102  (or BIBO 103 ), and BIBO 211 . May be used to satisfy Bible University Requirements. Same as BMIS 371 .
  • BMSO 420 - Gospel in a Multicultural World

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course enables students to develop a theology of mission by looking at the biblical basis of mission and sharpening their understanding of the gospel. Students will grapple with the challenge of interpersonal identification and models of communication. Students will explore methods of planting meaningful communities of faith in various cultural contexts. Prerequisite: BIBO 101 , BIBO 102  (or BIBO 103 ) and BIBO 211 ; sophomore standing.  May be used to satisfy Bible University Requirements. Same as BMIS 420 .
  • BMSO 421 - Mission as Spiritual Formation

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Christian spiritual formation is the process of being conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others. To this end, this course will help students as the participate in the mission of God: (1) to develop a contextually-nuanced theological and practical approach to spiritual growth and soul care, and (2) to cultivate space for the Spirit to work through the practice of a variety of spiritual disciplines learned from other cultures and religious faith traditions. Prerequisite: BIBO 101  and BIBO 102  (or BIBO 103 ) and BIBO 211 ; sophomore standing. May be used to satisfy Bible University Requirements. Same as BMIS 421 .

Nursing Online

  • NURO 338 - Pharmacology and Pathophysiology for Practicing Nurses

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 4
    This course provides the RN-BSN student with a review of basic pharmacologic principles. Common medications along with safe administration, risk reduction, and patient education are discussed. This course examines variations in physiologic functioning, diseases, disorders, and injuries. Concepts will explore a multi-system perspective, stimulating critical thinking for application to practice. Prerequisite: Admission to Post-Licensure track. Corequisite: NURO 353 .
  • NURO 353 - Health Assessment Across the Lifespan

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course expands the RN-BSN student’s knowledge and skills of performing a comprehensive health assessment of diverse clients across the life span. Course content aims to strengthen clinical judgement and decision making in order to achieve the highest potential outcomes. Variations in health status, laboratory testing, and diagnostics are explored. Prerequisite: Admission to the Post-Licensure track. Corequisite: NURO 338 .
  • NURO 380 - Nursing Research for Evidence-Based Practice

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Nursing Research for Evidence-Based Practice introduces students to the knowledge, judgments, skills, and behaviors to initiate, analyze, and apply nursing research and evidence-based standards to nursing practice in health care environments. Prerequisite: Admission to the School of Nursing. Same as NURS 380 .
  • NURO 433 - Health Policy, Legal Aspects, and Informatics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    This course focuses on the legalities, legislative principles, and concerns of professional nursing, policy, and technological advancement and challenges of today’s healthcare environment. Prerequisite: Admission to the Post-Licensure track.
  • NURO 464 - Nursing Leadership and Management

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Nursing Leadership and Management introduces evidence-based concepts and competencies in nursing leadership and management to promote safety and quality care within complex health care systems. Prerequisite: NURS 360  and NURS 361 . A capstone and writing-intensive course. Same as NURS 464 .
  • NURO 465 - Leadership and Management Clinical Practicum

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 1
    This course prepares students for their role in the profession, legal, ethical, and regulatory standards for healthcare system effectiveness outcomes. Principles of leadership, management, healthcare policy, finance, and regulatory environments will be analyzed in the coordination, evaluation, and management of care to ensure safety and quality outcomes. Prerequisite: Admission to the Post-Licensure track.
  • NURO 477 - Evidence-Based Community and Population Health

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Community and Population Health introduces students to the competencies and roles of community health and public health nursing for disease prevention, health promotion, health maintenance, health restoration, and health surveillance for communities and targeted populations in a variety of community health care settings. Prerequisite: NURS 360  and NURS 361 . Same as NURS 477 .
  • NURO 478 - Community and Population Health Practicum

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    This course allows students the opportunity to apply clinical reasoning to a variety of community and population healthcare settings. Prerequisite: Admission to the Post-Licensure track.
  • NURO 484 - Professional Role Transitions

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 4
    This course emphasizes the essentials of professional practice, including ethics, professionalism, critical thinking, and evidence-based practice. Prerequisite: Admission to the Post-Licensure track.
  • NURO 494 - Synthesis of Baccalaureate Nursing

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 4
    This course provides the opportunity for the student to synthesize concepts and issues to facilitate overall success in the profession. Students will integrate principles of patient-centered care, interdisciplinary team, advocacy, ethics, policy development, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, informatics, professional organization involvement, and patient safety. Prerequisite: Admission to the Post-Licensure track, NURO 484 .

Nutrition Online

  • NTRO 120 - Nutrition and Wellness

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Addresses current trends in nutrition (information and misinformation), food safety, world nutrition and hunger issues, and the impact of nutrients, diet, and weight control on health. It empowers the students to ask questions concerning nutrition and seek answers appropriately. May be used to satisfy University Requirements. Same as NUTR 120 .
  • NTRO 224 - Nutrition for Exercise and Sport

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Provides comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date information concerning basic fundamentals of how the active individual can achieve optimal nutrition by fueling before, during, and after exercising. Examines how the athlete can use nutrition to achieve peak performance. Same as NUTR 224 .

Philosophy Online

  • BIPO 352 - Biomedical Ethics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Students will explore current bioethical issues in the health care field, evaluate each issue at the philosophical level, and learn to respond from a Christian worldview. Prerequisite: BIBO 101  and BIBO 102  (or BIBO 103 ). May be used to satisfy Bible University Requirements. Same as BIBP 352 .

Political Science Online

  • PLSO 225 - National Government

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    The American political system. May be used to satisfy University Requirements. Same as POLS 225 .
  • PLSO 227 - Introduction to International Relations

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces students to the major theories, themes, and sub-disciplines of this interdisciplinary subject.  Material includes the Cold War, deterrence, globalization, nationalism, development, and terrorism. May be used to satisfy University Requirements. Same as POLS 227 .
  • PLSO 315 - Political Science and Criminal Justice Research Methods

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Theories, methods and statistical analyses used in political science and criminal justice will be evaluated, compared and critiqued. Students will gain an appreciation of research design, statistical analysis, and the application of these principles. Prerequisite: MATH 120  or higher; junior standing or consent of department chair. For majors only.  A writing-intensive course. Same as POLS 315 .
  • PLSO 384 - American Judicial Process

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Explores the structure and function of the judicial branch of government as it exists in our society today. Same as POLS 384 .
  • PLSO 432 - Constitutional Law: Civil Rights

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Examines the civil rights and civil liberties of individuals in the United States. Topic areas include free speech, criminal procedures, cruel and unusual punishment, privacy, and equal protection issues. Same as POLS 432 .
  • PLSO 487 - Terrorism Studies

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Examines and critiques the major themes of the field of Terrorism Studies.  Will seek to answer: how do liberal democracies resolve political violence without betraying the rights and liberties of their citizens?  Prerequisite: PLSO 227 . Same as POLS 487 .

Psychology Online

  • PSYO 120 - Introduction to Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    A comprehensive survey of the science of mental processes and human behavior. May be used to satisfy University Requirements. Same as PSYC 120 .
  • PSYO 232 - Developmental Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    A survey of the biological, cognitive, moral, and psycho-social development of the individual from conception through death. May be used to satisfy University Requirements. Same as PSYC 232 .
  • PSYO 233 - Physiological Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Special emphasis on the nervous system, brain and behavior, neuroanatomy, genetics, neurological basis of learning, cognition, sensation, memory, motivation, and abnormal behavior. Prerequisite: BIOO 101  or BIOL 121 /BIOL 123  or BIOL 203 . Same as PSYC 233 .
  • PSYO 241 - Cognition and Learning

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Includes the fundamentals of perception, learning, memory, cognition, and intelligence. Same as PSYC 241 .
  • PSYO 278 - Stress and Its Management

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    The impact of stress on physical and emotional health; survey and practice of stress management methods. Same as PSYC 278 .
  • PSYO 305 - Peacemaking

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Prepares students to recognize, analyze, and act to prevent or stop destructive conflict and transform it into social change that is just and that meets human needs. Prerequisite: ENGO 111  or equivalent and university required speech. Same as PSYC 305 .
  • PSYO 345 - Sexual Minorities: Identities and Communities

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    A survey of the development of sexual minority identities and communities and their interaction with majority culture based on critical assessment of social/behavioral science research. Same as PSYC 345.
  • PSYO 348 - Psychology and Christianity

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    A selected survey of the psychological dynamics associated and involved with Christian experience, belief, and practice. Same as PSYC 348.
  • PSYO 351 - Experimental Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 4
    A survey of experimental methods employed in the study of mental processes and human behavior. Special attention is given to the sensory systems, perception, and learning. Required laboratory is graded with the course. Prerequisite: PSYO 368 . Same as PSYC 351 .
  • PSYO 356 - Health Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Psychological study of the impact of behavior on health and the influence of health and disease states on quality of life. Includes biopsychosocial study of the behavioral correlates of health, illness and disability, the improvement of health care, and the development of healthy habits and reduction of unhealthy behaviors. Same as PSYC 356 .
  • PSYO 368 - Psychological Tests and Measurements

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    A study of the principles of psychological measurement including scale development and evaluation. An overview of the major assessment instruments in each area of psychological testing. Prerequisite: Completion of university mathematics requirement. Same as PSYC 368 .
  • PSYO 370 - Social Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    A study of the processes of intersocial stimulation and their consequences. Prerequisite: PSYO 120  or SOCI 111 . Same as PSYC 370 .
  • PSYO 382 - Abnormal Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    A study of the types of psychopathologies, their causes, and accepted methods of treatment. Same as PSYC 382 .
  • PSYO 388 - Teams and Team Leadership

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Analysis of the factors contributing to the success of teams in complex organizations; focusing on team selection, development, training, and evaluation. Students will develop skills through team building, and by leading in simulations and team projects. Same as PSYC 388 .
  • PSYO 392 - Child Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    An advanced course in the study of children and adolescents, including physical, emotional, cognitive, moral, and social development. Same as PSYC 392 .
  • PSYO 401 - Career and Calling

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 1
    Detailed study of graduate school admissions and job search strategies including school selection, personal skills assessment, resume writing, and interviewing. To be taken in the junior year. Same as PSYC 401 .
  • PSYO 451 - Statistics in Psychological Research

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Basic formulas, methods and interpretations of statistical measures, both descriptive and inferential. Special emphasis placed on the integration of statistics and experimental design in psychological research. Provides extensive training in SPSS software skills for data analysis and display. Prerequisite: PSYO 351 . Same as PSYC 451 .
  • PSYO 485 - Introduction to Counseling

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Credit Hours: 4
    Introduction to theory and practice of counseling. Emphasis is on the development of essential attending, interviewing, and influencing skills. Course requires a lab. Laboratory graded and credited with course. Prerequisite: PSYO 382 . A capstone course. Same as PSYC 485 .
  • PSYO 493 - History of Theories in Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Survey of major psychological theories and systems and an overview of the history of psychology with an emphasis on modern history. A writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: Psychology major or minor and 12 hours of psychology. A writing-intensive and capstone course. Same as PSYC 493 .

Sociology Online

  • SOCO 388 - Crime and Delinquency

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    An overview of the extent, trend, and types of criminal and delinquent behavior as well as research findings and theories associated with it. Same as SOCI 388 .
  • SOCO 442 - Race and Racisms

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Race is one of the most pressing issues in the United States today. We will read and discuss materials that provide insight into how race and racism define our lives. Systemic and structural racism, racial categorization, white privilege, ethnic identification, nativism, and intersecting oppressions. May be used to satisfy University Requirements. Same as SOCI 442 .

Theology Online

  • BITO 342 - Christianity in Culture

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Students will investigate the relationship of basic Christian values with some of the realities of contemporary culture. The class is also intended to promote the practice of theological reflection. Prerequisite: BIBO 101  and BIBO 102  (or BIBO 103 ); BIBO 211 .  May be used to satisfy Bible University requirements. Same as BIBT 342 .

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