2024-2025 Catalog With Addendum 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog With Addendum


Teaching Faculty

The first date is the year of appointment to the faculty, followed by rank and department.

Aboul-Enein, Faisal, 2018, College Assistant Professor in the Doctor of Nursing Practice program; BS, University of Central Arkansas, 1998; MSN, MPH, The University of Texas Health Science Center – Houston, 2002; DrPH, The University of Texas Health Science Center – Houston, 2009.
Abston, Shealynn, 2020, College Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BS, ACU, 2009; MS, ACU, 2013.
Adams, Mitzi, 2010, Instructor of Teacher Education; BS, ACU, 1981; MA, Western Governor’s University, 2010.
Adrion, Karley, 2022, Assistant Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication; BS, ACU, 2016; MFA, The University of Texas at Arlington, 2021.
Allen, Tim, 2023, Associate Professor of Psychology; BA, Harding University, 2000; MA, University of Memphis, 2003; PhD, University of Northern Colorado, 2010.
Amlung, Molly, 2024, College Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy; BFA, University of Wisconsin, 2009; MSOT, ACU, 2018.
Andreas, Dorothy, 2021, Associate Professor of Communication and Sociology; PhD, Texas A&M University, 2010; MA, Texas State University, 2005; BS, Texas A&M University, 1999.
Ashlock, Rodney, 1998, Assistant Professor of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, Harding University, 1987; MDiv, ACU, 1991; PhD, Baylor University, 2002.
Atkinson, Melissa D., 2000, Associate Professor of Library Science and E-Collections and Director of Distance and Online Library Services; BS, ACU, 1994; MLS, University of North Texas, 2000; PhD, Regent University, 2019.
Ayala, Alline, 2022, College Assistant Professor and Assistant Dean for K-12 Leadership and Educator Development; ME, Framingham State College, 2002; ME, Southern New Hampshire University, 2008; EdD, Lamar University, 2018.
Ayele, Wolduamlak, 2024, College Assistant Professor of Engineering and Physics; MTech, Indian Institute of Technology, 2010; MS, Texas Tech University, 2021.
Baggs, Terry, 2007, Associate Professor and Chair of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BA, Freed-Hardeman University, 1977; MS, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, 1981; PhD, University of Memphis, 1992.
Bailey, Garry, 2007, College Professor of Conflict Management and Organizational Leadership; BBA, ACU, 1985; MA, ACU, 1987; PhD, University of Oklahoma, 1994.
Baker, Laura, 1995, Associate Professor of Library Science; BBA, ACU, 1987; MLIS, The University of Texas, 1993.
Banks, Joseph, 2022, Assistant Professor of Theatre; BFA, Southwestern University, 2007; MFA, Illinois State University, 2015.
Barbarick, Clifford, 2011, Associate Professor and Chair of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, Pepperdine University, 2001; MDiv, Pepperdine University, 2005; PhD, Baylor University, 2011.
Barneche, Kelly, 2024, Assistant Professor of Social Work; BA, Pepperdine University, 2004; MS, Columbia University, 2011.
Baumgardner, Catherine, 2018, Associate Professor of Theatre; BA, ACU, 2000; MFA, California State University Long Beach, 2013.
Beck, Richard, 1998, Professor of Psychology; BS, ACU, 1989; MS, ACU, 1994; PhD, Southern Methodist University, 1997.
Bender, Brenda, 2001, Associate Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BSEd, ACU, 1990; MS, University of North Texas, 1994; PhD, University of Memphis, 2001.
Bennett, B. Cole, 2000, Professor and Chair of Language and Literature and Director of the ACU Writing Center; BBA, Harding University, 1989; MA, University of Arkansas, 1996; PhD, University of Southern Mississippi, 2002.
Berryhill, Carisse Mickey, 2004, Professor of Library Science; BA, Harding College, 1973; MA, Florida State University, 1974; MS, University of North Texas, 1990; MA, Harding University, 2001; PhD, Florida State University of Tallahassee, 1982.
Biles, Amanda, 2022, Assistant Professor of History and Global Studies; BA, Harding University, 2005; MA, University of Central Oklahoma, 2011; PhD, North Dakota State University, 2020.
Bluitt, Jacqueline, 2023, College Assistant Professor and Program Director, Online Undergraduate General Education; BS, Fisk University, 2001; MS, University of Texas at Dallas, 2009; MS, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2013; EdD, Northcentral University, 2020.
Bontempo, Eric, 2023, Assistant Professor of Language and Literature; BA, Harding University, 2015; MA, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, 2017; PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2023.
Boyles, John H., 2016, Associate Professor of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BS, BA, BM University of Florida, 2007; MDiv, Yale Divinity School, 2010; PhD, Emory University, 2016.
Breaux, Darlene, 2024, College Assistant Professor and Program Director, EdD in Educational Leadership; BA, Texas Southern University, 1992; MS, University of Houston Clear Lake, 2008; EdD, ACU, 2020.
Broderick, Geoffrey, 1999, Associate Professor of Art and Design; BFA, ACU, 1982; MFA, Southern Illinois University, 1985.
Brokaw, Joshua M., 2009, Professor of Biology; BS, ACU, 2001; MS, Oklahoma State University, 2004; PhD, Washington State University, 2009.
Brooks, D. Greg, 2014, Associate Professor of Marriage and Family Studies; BA, Harding University, 1997; MS, Harding University, 2000; PhD, University of Missouri, 2014.
Broussard, Jordan, 2024, Assistant Professor of Mathematics; BS, ACU, 2015; PhD, Washington State University, 2021.
Brown, Robert, 2016, Associate Professor of Engineering and Physics, BS, Texas A&M, 2009; PhD, Texas A&M, 2016.
Buck, Clint, 2020, Assistant Professor of Accounting; BBA, Hardin-Simmons University, 1999; MBA, University of Notre Dame, 2010; MAcc, Auburn University, 2017; DBA, University of Florida, 2022.
Burton, Brian, 2007, Associate Professor of Information Technology; BS, ACU, 1992; MS, Southwest Missouri State University, 1999; EdD, University of Missouri, 2008.
Burton, Orneita, 2006, Professor of Management Sciences and Information Systems; BS, University of Arkansas, 1979; MS, American Technological University, 1986; PhD, Arizona State University, 2006.
Butcher, Jennifer, 2018, College Professor of Organizational Leadership; BA, Sam Houston State University, 1985; MEd, Prairie View A&M University, 2003; PhD, Prairie View A&M University, 2009.
Caldwell, Nathalie, 2023, Instructor of Kinesiology and Nutrition; BA, Hardin-Simmons University, 2015; MEd, Hardin-Simmons University, 2016; MSAT, Tarleton State University, 2019.
Camp, Jonathan W., 2007, Associate Professor of Communication; BA, Harding University, 1995; MDiv, Harding University Graduate School of Religion, 1999; DMin, ACU, 2007; PhD, The University of Memphis, 2008.
Carpenter, James, 2016, Associate Professor and Chair of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; BS, Kent State University, 1981; MS, ACU, 1987; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1993.
Carroll, Kathy, 2020, College Assistant Professor and Program Director, BS in Health and Human Performance; BS, Southwestern Oklahoma State University, 1984; MS, Texas Woman’s University, 1991; PhD, University of Toledo, 1997.
Carroll, Laura Bolin, 2001, Professor of Language and Literature and Assistant Provost for Teaching, Learning and Vocational Formation; BA, ACU, 1996; MA, Marquette University, 1998; PhD, Texas A&M University, 2002.
Carroll, William M., 2001, Associate Professor of Language and Literature and Associate Provost for Residential Graduate Programs; BA, Lipscomb University, 1993; MA, ACU, 1995; PhD, Marquette University, 2005.
Casada, John H., 2008, Associate Professor of Psychology and University Psychiatrist; BS, ACU,1984; MS, ACU, 1985; PhD, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, 1992; MD, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, 1992.
Cha, Kilnam, 2011, Assistant Professor of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, Columbia Christian College, 1991; MDiv, ACU, 1995; PhD, Baylor University, 2006.
Chalmers, Brandy, 2022, College Assistant Professor and Program Director, Integrated Studies; BBS, Hardin-Simmons University, 2014; MA, Hardin-Simmons University, 2016; MA, Liberty University, 2018.
Childers, Jeff, 1996, Professor of Church History and Carmichael-Walling Chair for New Testament and Early Christianity; BA, ACU, 1989; MA, ACU, 1992; MDiv, ACU, 1992; MST, Oxford University, 1993; DPhil, Oxford University, 1996.
Chrane, Lory, 2016, Instructor of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BA, ACU, 1990; MA, ACU, 1991.
Churchill, Craig, 1992, Associate Professor of Library Science and Theological Librarian; BS, Texas A&M University, 1987; BBS, Institute for Christian Studies, 1989; MS, ACU, 1991; MDiv, ACU, 1992; MLS, The University of Texas, 1994.
Clark, Brooke, 2020, Instructor of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BS, ACU, 2007; MS, ACU, 2009.
Clements, Curtis E., 2005, Professor of Accounting; BS, Harding University, 1985; MS, Harding University, 1986; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1999.
Cleveland, Sandra, 2022, College Associate Professor in the Doctor of Nursing Practice program; BSN, Grand Valley State University, 1992; MSN, Wayne State University, 2000; PhD, Capella University, 2014.
Coates, Neal E., 1999, Professor and Chair of Government and Criminal Justice; BA, ACU, 1987; MA, University of Connecticut, 1998; JD, University of Kansas, 1990; PhD, University of Connecticut, 2004.
Cole, Brian, 2016, College Associate Professor and Program Director, MEd in Higher Education; BA, Anderson University-Indiana, 1994; MA, Ball State University, 1996; DPhil, Western Michigan University, 2013.
Cook, Samuel L., 2000, Associate Professor of Music; BM, Johns Hopkins University, 1979; MM, Indiana University School of Music, 1982.
Counts, Dena, 2008, College Assistant Professor and Program Director, BS in Applied Communication and BS in Organizational Leadership and Assistant Dean, College of Graduate and Professional Studies; BA, ACU, 1990; MA, ACU, 2003; EdD, ACU, 2019.
Crawford, Wes, 2019, Associate Professor of Theology; BA, Lubbock Christian College, 1998; MDiv, ACU, 2002; MA, Vanderbilt, 2006; PhD, Vanderbilt, 2008.
Crisp, Brad, 2006, Associate Professor of Information Systems; BBA, ACU, 1993; MBA, The University of Texas, 1998; PhD, The University of Texas, 2003.
Cukrowski, Karen, 2011-2016, 2019, College Associate Professor of Language and Literature; BS, ACU, 1984; MS, Southern Connecticut State University, 1987.
Cukrowski, Kenneth, 1999, Associate Professor of New Testament and Dean of the College of Biblical Studies; BA, ACU, 1984; MA, ACU, 1985; MDiv, Yale Divinity School, 1987; STM, Yale Divinity School, 1988; PhD, Yale University, 1994.
Dahlman, Tiffany, 2021, College Assistant Professor and Program Director, BS in Christian Service and Formation; BA, York College, 1999; MDiv, Asbury Theological Seminary, 2018.
Daugherity, Michael, 2009, Professor of Physics; BS, ACU 2002; BS, ACU, 2002; PhD, The University of Texas, 2008.
Davis-Jones, April, 2021, Instructor of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BS, University of Central Missouri, 1996; MS, University of Central Missouri, 1998.
Deaver, Cortney, 2024, Instructor of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BS, ACU, 2007; MS, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2009.
Deeg, Matthew, 2021, Assistant Professor of Management; BA, University of Oklahoma, 2009; MEd, University of Oklahoma, 2011; PhD, University of Kansas, 2021.
Delgado, Mariel, 2024, Instructor of Art and Design; AA, ACU, 2019; BS, ACU, 2019.
Delony, Robert, 2018, Instructor of Criminal Justice; BBA, University of Houston, 1973.
Dickson, Kyle, 1999, Professor of Language and Literature and Director of the Learning Studio; BA, ACU, 1993; MA, Baylor University, 1996; PhD, Baylor University, 2002.
Doty, Tim, 2023, College Assistant Professor of Engineering and Physics; BA, ACU, 2009; BS, ACU, 2020; MEng, Texas Tech University, 2022.
Douthit, Julie, 2006, Instructor of Teacher Education; BSEd, University of North Texas, 1991; MEd, University of North Texas, 1991.
Dowdy, Jess T., 2010, Professor of Engineering and Physics; BS, ACU, 1998; MS, Washington State University, 1990; EdD, Texas A&M - Commerce, 2005.
Drachenberg, Jim, 2018, Professor of Engineering and Physics; BS, ACU, 2004; PhD, Texas A&M University, 2012.
Eaton, Jean, 2023, Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing; BA, ACU, 1991; ADN, Midland College, 2000; MSN, Grand Canyon University, 2013.
East, Brad, 2017, Associate Professor of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, ACU, 2007; MDiv, Emory University, 2011; PhD, Yale University, 2017.
East, Katelin, 2019, Assistant Professor of Social Work and Director of Field Education; BSW, ACU, 2008; MSW, Georgia State University, 2009.
Easter, Sarah, 2016, Associate Professor of Management Sciences; BBA, ACU, 2006; MBA, Rollins College, 2008; PhD, University of Victoria, 2016.
Ehrke, John, 2007, Associate Professor and Chair of Mathematics; BS, ACU , 2003; MS, Baylor University, 2005; PhD, Baylor University, 2007.
Elliott, Jeremy, 2010, Professor of Language and Literature; BA, Harding, 2005; MA, Florida State University, 2007; PhD, Florida State University, 2012.
Elliott, Kelly, 2010, Associate Professor and Chair of History; BA, Harding, 2005; MA, Florida State University, 2007; PhD, Florida State University, 2007.
Ellis, Raquel, 2024, College Professor and Associate Director for the Center for Doctoral Research; BA, Pepperdine University, 1999; MSW, California State University, 2001; PhD, University of Illinois Chicago, 2007.
Evans, Carol, 2003, Instructor of Language and Literature; BS, Lubbock Christian University, 1984; MA, ACU, 1991.
Feerer, Ryan, 2010, Professor of Art and Design; AA, Art Institute of Dallas, 2002; BFA, ACU, 2005; MFA, School of Visual Arts, 2007.
Feliciano, Jose, 2019, College Associate Professor and Program Director, BS in Information Technology Administration and MS in Information Technology, and Interim Dean of the College of Leadership and Professional Studies; AS, Hawaii Pacific University, 1993; BS, Hawaii Pacific University, 1994; MS, Long Island University, 2002; DProf, Pace University, 2007.
Fink, Tiffany, 2023, College Professor of History and Global Studies; AA, Tarrant County Junior College, 1994; MA, Texas Tech University, 1998; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2004.
Fish, Wade, 2016, Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership; BBA, Baylor University, 1991; MA, University of Louisville, 1992; MEd, University of North Texas 2000; PhD, University of North Texas, 2004.
Fisher, Beth Ann, 2023, Instructor of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BS, ACU, 1993; MDiv, ACU, 2021; DMin, ACU, 2024.
Flanagan, Cherisse Y., 2007, Professor and Chair of Psychology; BA, Texas Tech University, 1988; MS, ACU, 1996, PhD, Fielding Graduate University, 2013.
Flanagan, Diana, 2009, Associate Professor of Biology; BS, Hardin-Simmons University, 1993; PhD, University of Kentucky, 1999.
Flanders, Christopher, 2005, Professor of Missions; BA, ACU, 1989; MS, ACU, 1991; MDiv, ACU, 1994; PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2005.
Fleming, Kipi, 2016, College Associate Professor and Program Director, Conflict Management and MS in Organizational Development; BSEd, ACU, 1985; MA ACU, 2010; PhD, Nova Southeastern University, 2015.
Fowler, Randall, 2023, Assistant Professor of Communication and Sociology; BA, Baylor University, 2012; MA, Baylor University, 2016; PhD, University of Maryland, 2021.
Francis, Theodore, 2022, Associate Professor of History and Global Studies; BA, Morehouse College, 2003; MA, PhD, University of Chicago, 2015.
French, Grace, 2024, Instructor of Kinesiology and Nutrition; BS, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, 2006; MA, Point Loma Nazarene University, 2013.
Garcia, Daniel, 2017, Instructor of Management Sciences; BBA, ACU, 2004; MA, ACU, 2009; MBA, ACU, 2019.
Garcia, Monica, 2019, Clinical Educator/Instructor of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BS, ACU, 2009; MS, ACU, 2011.
Garner, Catherine, 2021, College Assistant Professor in the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program; BSN, Vanderbilt University, 1976; MSN, Vanderbilt University, 1982; DrPH, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1994.
George, Brianne, 2024, Associate Professor of Psychology; AAS, Communications Applications Technology Community College of the Air Force, 2004; BS, University of Maryland University College, 2008; MS, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, 2012; PhD, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, 2014.
Gesling, Kelsey, 2019, Instructor of Nursing; BSN, West Texas A&M University, 2013; MSN, West Texas A&M University, 2018.
Gibbs, Amy, 2020, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy; BS, Texas Woman’s University, 2008; MOT, Texas Woman’s University, 2010.
Gibson, Kelli Bryant, 2015, Associate Professor of Historical Theology; BA, ACU, 2004; MDiv, ACU, 2007; MPhil, University of Oxford, 2015.
Gibson, Linda, 2017, College Associate Professor in the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program; BSN, Harding University, 1987; MN, University of Central Arkansas, 1992; DSN, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, 2010.
Gillin, Jennifer, 2024, College Assistant Professor and Director of the MS in Nutrition and Dietetic Internship Program; BS, Baylor University, 2008; MS, Texas Woman’s University, 2011; MBA, Amberton University, 2015.
Glover, Kaytlin, 2022, Instructor of Nursing; BS, Angelo State University, 2013; BSN, Angelo State University, 2016; MSN, The University of Texas at Arlington, 2021.
Golden, Jennifer, 2020, Assistant Professor of Marketing; BBA, ACU, 2001; MBA, The George Washington University, 2012; DBA, DePaul University, 2020.
Goolsby, Jeff, 2013, Associate Professor of Music; BM, ACU, 2001; MM, Louisiana State University, 2006; DMA, Texas Tech University, 2018.
Green, Robert, 1985, Professor of Art and Design; BFA, ACU, 1979; MFA, University of Nebraska, 1983.
Halbert, Joseph, 2017, College Associate Professor of Conflict Management and Resolution; Academic Council Chair-Dallas; and Assistant Dean, College of Graduate and Professional Studies; BA, ACU, 2006; JD, The University of Texas at Austin, 2009.
Halstead, Jackie, 2018, College Associate Professor and Associate Program Director, Marriage and Family Therapy; AA, York College, 1981; BS, Oklahoma Christian College, 1981; MMFT, ACU, 1987, PhD, Iowa State University, 2000.
Hamilton, Mark W., 2000, Professor of Old Testament; BA, Freed-Hardeman University, 1986; MDiv, ACU, 1990; MA, ACU, 1991; PhD, Harvard University, 2000.
Hamm, Stephanie, 2008, Associate Professor and Program Director; BS in Social Work; BSW, ACU, 1990; MSW, West Virginia University, 1993; PhD, The University of Texas at Arlington, 2008.
Harbour, Jake, 2017, Assistant Professor of Theatre; BA, ACU, 2007; MA, Northern Illinois, 2015.
Harbaugh, Daniel, 2022, Visiting Assistant Professor of Music; BS, Northwest Missouri State University, 2004; MA, Truman State University, 2009; MA, Lindenwood University, 2014; DMA, University of Oklahoma, 2022.
Hardin, Kim, 2015; Assistant Professor of Teacher Education; BS, ACU, 2005; MEd, Lubbock Christian University, 2008; PhD, Baylor University, 2016.
Hare, Steve, 2017, Instructor of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, ACU, 1972; MS, ACU, 1991.
Harmon, Tera, 2022, Assistant Professor of Theology; BA, ACU, 2003; MDiv, ACU, 2007; MPhil, Catholic University of America, 2015; PhD, Catholic University of America, 2016.
Head, Tim, 2007, Professor and Chair of Engineering and Physics; BS, Texas Tech University, 2000; MS, University of Illinois, 2002; PhD, University of Illinois, 2007.
Heflin, Houston, 2009, Professor of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BS, ACU, 1995; MS, ACU, 1997; EdD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2004.
Hendricks, David, 1995, Associate Professor of Mathematics; BS, ACU, 1987; MS, Texas A&M University, 1988; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1994.
Hennigan, Jennifer, 2020, Associate Professor of Biology; BS, Louisiana Tech University, 2006; PhD, The University of Texas, 2013.
Hewitt, J. Darby, 2013, Professor of Engineering; BS, ACU, 2008; MS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2013.
Holley, Leigh, 2016, Instructor of Nursing; AA, Northeast Mississippi Community College, 2014; BA, University of Mississippi, 1991; MSN, Union University, 2015.
Hollingsworth, Christopher, 2021, Professor and Director of Musical Theatre; BMus, DePauw University, 1992; MM, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1998; DMA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004.
Homer, John, 2009, Professor of Computer Science and Director of the School of Information Technology and Computing; BS, Harding University, 2002; MS, Kansas State University, 2006; PhD, Kansas State University, 2009.
Hope, Meghan, 2020, College Assistant Professor and Program Director, Healthcare Administration (BS and MHA); BS, Midwestern State University, 2008; JD, University of Tulsa College of Law, 2012; MHA, Midwestern State University, 2016.
Horn, William, 2010, College Associate Professor of Language and Literature; BA, ACU, 1999; MA, ACU, 2005.
Huddleston, Andrew, 2012, Professor of Teacher Education; BA, ACU, 2000, MEd, Texas Tech University, 2002, PhD, University of Georgia, 2012.
Huddleston, Jennifer, 2011, Associate Professor and Chair of Biology; BS, Hardin-Simmons University, 2000; MS, Texas Tech University, 2003; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2008.
Hunt, Bill, 2019, College Assistant Professor of Organizational Leadership; BS, ACU, 1989; MS, ACU, 1993; EdD, Azusa Pacific University, 2005.
Hunter, Rebecca, 2009, Associate Professor of Biology; BS, ACU, 2001; MS, Texas A&M University, 2004; PhD, Auburn University, 2009.
Hurley, Sam, 2024, College Assistant Professor of Engineering and Physics; BS, ACU, 2011; MS, Texas A&M University, 2014.
Hutson, Christopher R., 2010, Professor of Bible, Missions and Ministry and Associate Dean for Academics, College of Biblical Studies; BA, Lipscomb University, 1983; MA; University of Cincinnati, 1987; MDiv, Yale Divinity School, 1989; MA, MPhil, Yale University, 1993; PhD, Yale University, 1998.
Ice, Mac, 2017, Associate Professor of Library Science; BA, Lipscomb University, 1998; MA, Lipscomb University, 2001; MDiv, Lipscomb University, 2007; MLIS, University of North Texas, 2016.
Isbell, Melinda, 2018; Assistant Professor of Library Science; BS, ACU, 1993; MLIS, University of North Texas, 2017.
Isenhower, Donald, 1986, Professor of Physics; BS, ACU, 1981; PhD, Iowa State University, 1986.
Isenhower, Julee, 2020, College Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry; BS, Harding University, 2005; MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007; MA, Edgewood College, 2010.
Isenhower, Larry D., 2014, Professor of Engineering and Physics; BS, ACU, 2005; PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2010.
Jackson, Diane, 2014, Assistant Professor of Nursing; BAS, ACU, 2007; MSN, ACU, 2009; DNP, ACU, 2020.
Jamieson, Andrew, 2017, College Assistant Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy; BA, University of North Alabama, 1996; MDiv, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2002; ThM, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2005; PhD Ambridge University, 2010.
Jang, Hyeeun, 2022, Assistant Professor of Mathematics; BS, Kwangwoon University, 2013; MS, Yonsei University, 2016; PhD, The George Washington University, 2021.
Jang, Kyeonghee (Kay), 2015; Associate Professor of Social Work; BSW, Yonsei University, 1990; MSW, University of South Carolina, 2003; PhD, University of Texas at Austin, 2010.
Jernigan, Kendra, 2018, Associate Professor of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; BS, ACU, 2010; BA, ACU, 2010; MS, Texas A&M University, 2012; PhD, Washington State University, 2015.
Jessup, Ryan K., 2011, Professor of Management Sciences; BBA, ACU, 1997; MS, ACU, 2003; PhD, Indiana University, 2008.
Johnson-Archer, Julie, 2018, Instructor and Director of the Online Writing Center; BA, ACU, 2017; MA, ACU, 2019.
Johnson, Stephen, 2001, Associate Professor of Ministry; BA, ACU, 1990; MS, ACU 1994; MDiv, ACU, 1996; DMin, ACU, 2000; ThD, University of Toronto, 2007.
Johnstone, James, 2022, Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry; BS, ACU, 2017; PhD, Indiana University, 2022.
Jones, Jody, 2019, Associate Professor of Finance; BS, Oklahoma Wesleyan University, 2000; MBA, Oklahoma City University, 2001; EdD, Oklahoma State University, 2014.
Jones, Kenny, 2005, Professor of Art and Design; BFA, ACU 1982; MFA, University of Tennessee, 1986.
Jones, Sheila, 1997, Associate Professor and Assistant Chair of Kinesiology and Nutrition; BS, Texas A&M University, 1981; MS, Texas A&M University, 1988; RD, 1989; LD, 1989, PhD, Texas Woman’s University, 2005.
Jurney, Susan, 2024, Professor of Accounting; BBA, Oklahoma Christian University, 1998; MBA, University of Notre Dame, 2002; PhD, University of Oklahoma, 2008.
Karabegov, Alexander, 2002, Professor of Mathematics; MS, Moscow State University, 1981; PhD, Moscow State University, 1988.
Kennamer, Dana L., 1994, Professor of Teacher Education and Associate Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; BA, ACU, 1981; MEd, ACU, 1988; PhD, The University of Texas, 2001.
Kennedy, Tim, 2014, Associate Professor of Engineering and Physics; BS, Texas Tech University, 2008; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2012.
Kneip, David, 2010, Associate Professor and Associate Chair of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, Duke University, 1997; Mdiv, ACU, 2003; PhD. University of Notre Dame, 2013.
Knutson, Cassie, 2023, Instructor of Teacher Education; BS, Texas Woman’s University, 2000; MS, Texas Woman’s University, 2001.
Kucinski, Nancy, 2022, College Professor of Management Sciences and Online Business Programs Director; BBS, Hardin-Simmons University, 1983; MPA, Texas Tech University, 1986; PhD, Texas Tech University, 1990; PhD, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2004.
Kutayiah, Ryan, 2021, College Assistant Professor of Engineering and Physics; BA-MA, Hunter College; PhD, Texas A&M University, 2019.
Lancaster, Lucas, 2022, College Assistant Professor of Kinesiology and Nutrition; BS, Northwest Missouri State University, 2013; MS, Hardin-Simmons University, 2019.
Lane, Julie, 2022, College Associate Professor and Associate Manager of Dissertations and Projects; BM, California State University, 1985; MM, University of Redlands, 1987; MA, Chapman University, 1997; EdD, Pepperdine University, 2011.
Lee, Kathleen, 2016, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry; BS, ACU, 2006, PhD, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 2011.
Lee, Mason, 2020, Assistant Professor of Theology; BA, York College, 2010; MDiv, ACU, 2014; MST, Boston University, 2015.
Lee, Sarah, 2011, Associate Professor of Biochemistry; Assistant Provost for Academic Initiatives and Innovation; and Executive Director of the Center for Online Development and Innovation; BS, ACU, 2005; PhD, Colorado State University, 2010.
Lee, Tom, 1994, Professor of Biology; BS, Texas A&M University, 1984; MS, Angelo State University, 1987; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1992.
Lewis, Susan, 1998, Associate Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication; Provost; and Vice President for Academic Affairs; BS, ACU, 1992; MA, ACU, 1997; EdD, Pepperdine University, 2006.
Little, Andrew, 2010, Associate Professor of Management Sciences and Interim Dean of the College of Business Administration; BA, ACU, 1997; JD, Texas Tech University, 2000; MA, West Texas A&M University, 2014.
Litton, Jim, 2010, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Director of the Griggs Center for Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy; BBA, ACU, 2001; MBA, Vanderbilt University, 2005; JD, Vanderbilt University, 2005.
Long, Melissa, 2017, Associate Professor and Chair of Kinesiology and Nutrition; BS, University of Tulsa, 2004; MEd, Texas Christian University, 2005; EdD, University of Wyoming, 2015.
Lumpe, Andrew, 2017, College Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership and Associate Manager of Dissertations and Projects; BA, Washburn University, 1983; MS, Kansas State University, 1990; PhD, Kansas State University, 1992.
Luttrell, William Lynn, 1980, Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Nutrition; BSEd, ACU, 1978; MSEd, Baylor University, 1980; PhD, Oregon State University, 1991.
Lytle, Renee, 2023, College Assistant Professor of Kinesiology and Nutrition; BS, Texas A&M University, 2013; AAS, Odessa College, 2015; MS, Texas Tech University, 2017.
Mabry, Gary, 2017, Instructor of Chemistry and Biochemistry; AS, Lubbock Christian College, 1969; BS, ACU, 1971; MSEd, ACU, 1974.
Makarewicz, Joseph, 2020, College Associate Professor of Engineering; BS, Olivet Nazarene University, 2007; MS, University of Kansas, 2009.
Manga, Joseph, 2022, Assistant Professor of Management Sciences; BS, University of Buea, 2006; MBA, Midwestern State University, 2014; MS, University of North Texas, 2018; PhD, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, 2022.
Mann, Kelly, 2017, Assistant Professor of Art and Design; BS, ACU 2009; MA, Academy of Art University, 2017; MFA, Academy of Art University, 2018.
Marquardt, Dennis, 2015; Assistant Professor of Management Sciences; BA, Lipscomb University, 1998; MS, Concordia University, 2006; PhD, The University of Texas at Arlington, 2015.
Marquardt, Monique, 2019; College Associate Professor of Practice in Engineering; BS, North Carolina A&T State University, 1996; MS, University of Maryland – College Park, 1998.
Marshall, Kervin Scott, 2018, Assistant Professor of Engineering and Physics; BS, ACU, 2008; MS, The University of Texas at Austin, 2012.
Martin, Jason, 2024, Professor of Marriage and Family Studies; BA, ACU, 1999; MMFT, ACU, 2002; PhD, Michigan State University, 2007.
Martinez, Shan L., 2009, Associate Professor of Library Science and Catalog and Government Documents Librarian; BS, ACU, 1986; MLS, Texas Woman’s University, 2009.
Mask, Chelsea, 2024, Instructor of Nursing; BSN, Hardin-Simmons University, 2014; MSN, The University of Texas at Arlington, 2019.
Maxwell, Karen, 2006, Associate Professor and Program Director, EdD in Organizational Leadership; BA, ACU, 1968; MS, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, 1988; MS, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, 1990; EdD, Nova Southeastern University, 2001.
Mayhall, Dana, 2012, Associate Professor of Teacher Education; BEd, Hardin-Simmons University, 1983; MEd, Tarleton State University, 1993; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2016.
McAdoo, Brenda, 2020, College Assistant Professor and Program Director, BS in Criminal Justice; BA, ACU, 1991; JD, Pepperdine School of Law, 1994.
McAnulty, David P., 2009, Professor and Robert and Mary Ann Hall Endowed Chair of Psychology, Intercultural Studies, and Faith Integration; BA, Harding University 1981; MA, Louisiana State University, 1984; PhD, Louisiana State University, 1986.
McAnulty, Joseph, 2021; Assistant Professor of Teacher Education; BA, University of Georgia, 2011; MA, Saint Louis University, 2013; PhD, University of Georgia, 2021.
McCallon, Mark L., 1991, Professor of Library Science and Associate Dean for Library Information Services; BA, LeTourneau College, 1989; MLS, Texas Woman’s University, 1991; EdD, Baylor University, 2002.
McCracken, Victor, 2008, Professor of Bible, Missions and Ministry and Honors; BA, Harding University, 1995; MDiv, ACU, 1999; PhD, Emory University, 2008.
McGregor, Dan, 2000, Professor of Art and Design; BA, ACU, 1997; MFA, Savannah College of Art and Design, 2000.
McLaughlin-Sheasby, Amy, 2022, Assistant Professor of History and Global Studies; BA, Lipscomb University, 2011; MDiv, ACU, 2015.
McLean, Erika, 2023, Instructor of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BS, ACU, 2014; MS, ACU, 2016.
McMichael, Dana, 2000, College Associate Professor and Manager of Dissertations and Projects; BA, Oklahoma Christian College, 1983; MA, Wake Forest University, 1986; PhD, Oklahoma State University, 2002.
McNamara, Trent, 2021, Assistant Professor of Economics; BA, The University of Texas, 2015; PhD, Texas A&M University, 2020.
Meeks, Dawne, 2005, Professor and Chair of Theatre; BA, ACU, 1995; MFA, University of Arizona, 1997.
Mendenhall, Doug, 2008, Associate Professor of Journalism and Mass Communications; BA, ACU, 1982; MS, Middle Tennessee State University, 2003; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2014.
Mendez-Pounds, Joanna, 2019, Assistant Professor of Marriage and Family Studies; BS, University of Texas, 2008; MS, Texas Tech University, 2012; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2016.
Merchant, Lisa, 2016, Professor and Chair of Marriage and Family Studies; BS, Sam Houston State University, 2001; MMFT, ACU, 2004; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2015.
Miertschin, Charla, 2023, Professor of Chemistry and Dean of the Onstead College of Science and Engineering;  BS, ACU, 1988; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1995.
Milligan, Rachael, 2024, Associate Professor of Education and Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences; BA, Harding University, 2002; ME, Vanderbilt University, 2003; EdD, Lipscomb University, 2016.
Money, Royce L., 1981, Professor of Bible, Missions and Ministry; Chancellor; BA, ACU, 1964; MDiv, ACU, 1967; MS, University of Nebraska, 1982; PhD, Baylor University, 1975.
Moore, Steven T., 2000, Professor of Language and Literature; BA, University of Wisconsin-Parkside,1994; MA, University of Nebraska, 1996; PhD, University of Nebraska, 2007.
Morgan, Ronald J., 2003, Professor of History; BA, ACU, 1981; MA, ACU, 1983; PhD, University of California-Santa Barbara, 1998.
Morris, Heidi, 2017, Associate Professor of Marriage and Family Studies; BA, ACU, 1998; MA, ACU, 2000; PhD, Texas Woman’s University, 2008.
Morris, James, 2018, College Assistant Professor and Clinical Coordinator in the Marriage and Family Therapy Program; BMEd, McMurry University, 1976; MS, Texas Tech University, 1978; PhD, Texas Tech University, 1987.
Morris, Jason, 1996, Dean of the Honors College; BA, Pepperdine University, 1994; MS, ACU, 1996; EdD, Texas Tech University, 2002.
Mullins, Rebekah, 2017,Professor of Nursing; BSN, Harding University, 1998; MSN, The University of Texas at Arlington, 2016.
Naldoza, Theresa, 2019, Assistant Professor and Executive Director of the School of Nursing and Associate Dean of the College of Health and Behavioral Sciences for Nursing; BSN, McMurry University, 2007; MSN, Hardin-Simmons University, 2010; PhD, The University of Texas at Tyler, 2018.
Nelson, Dirk, 2023, Professor of Kinesiology and Dean of the College of Health and Behavioral Sciences; BS, Montana State University, 1984; MSEd, University of Kansas, 1986; PhD, University of Kansas, 1990.
Niccum, Curt, 2008, Professor of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, Lubbock Christian University, 1985; MDiv, ACU, 1992; PhD, University of Notre Dame, 2000.
Nichols, Brenda, 2023, College Professor and Program Director, Associate of Applied Science in Nursing; ASN, University of Evansville, 1972; BSN, University of Evansville, 1976; MA, University of Evansville, 1978; PhD, Indiana University, 1983.
Notice, Maxine, 2023, College Assistant Professor of Marriage Therapy; BA, University of Maine at Presque Isle, 2008; MA, CUNY City College, 2011; PhD, Antioch University, 2019.
O’Byrne, Kristin, 2017, College Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership; BA, University of Missouri – Columbia, 1994; MA, University of Missouri – Kansas City, 2002; PhD, University of Missouri – Kansas City, 2003.
O’Lenick, Deann, 2024, College Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BS, North Dakota State University, 1987; MS, Texas Tech University, 1989; MBA, Our Lady of the Lake University, 2000; PhD, Texas Woman’s University, 2017.
Oglesby, Robert, Jr., 1998, Instructor of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BS, ACU, 1981; MS, ACU, 1982.
Ortbals-Wiser, Candice, 2020, University Scholar and Professor of Government and Criminal Justice; BA, Harding University, 1997; MA, Indiana University – Bloomington, 2000; PhD, Political Science 2004.
Palafox, J Omar, 2021, Assistant Professor of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BS, Lubbock Christian University, 2003; MS, Lubbock Christian University, 2004; MDiv, ACU, 2014.
Pamplin, Kim L., 1996, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry; BS, ACU, 1991; PhD, Iowa State University, 1996.
Parker, Timothy, 2023, College Assistant Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy; BS, Rochester College, 2005; MMFT, ACU, 2007; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2016. 
Panzer, Marla, 2016, Instructor of Nursing; BSN, Angelo State University, 2010; MSN, Grand Canyon University, 2012.
Pearce, Richard, 2021, College Professor of Engineering and Physics; BBS, University of Missouri – Rolla, 1986; MMS, University of Missouri – Columbia, 1996; PhD, University of Missouri – Kansas City, 2005.
Peek, Michelle, 2017, College Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BSE, Northeast Missouri State University, 1982; MA, Northeast Missouri State University, 1983; PhD, Arizona State University, 1997.
Perkins, David, 1999, Professor and Chair of Accounting; BBA, Harding University, 1980; MBA, University of Memphis, 1982; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1991.
Perkins, T. Scott, 1988, Professor of Psychology; BS, Harding University, 1980; MS, Pennsylvania State University, 1984; PhD, Pennsylvania State University, 1988.
Peterson, Benjamin, 2021, Assistant Professor of Government and Criminal Justice; BS, Oklahoma Christian University, 2011; MPP, Pepperdine University, 2016; PhD, Texas A&M University, 2021.
Phillips, Laura, 2005, Associate Professor of Management Sciences; BS, ACU 1988; MS, Purdue University, 1989; PhD, Capella University, 2005.
Phillips, Mark, 2004, Professor and Chair of Management Sciences; BS, ACU, 1988; MS, Purdue University, 1989; PhD, Oklahoma State University, 2004.
Piersall, Rick, 2010, Professor of Music; BBA, ACU, 1990; BA, ACU, 1993; MM, Southern Methodist University, 1995; Professional Studies Certificate (Opera), Temple University, 2005; DMA, Rice University, 2012.
Pitney, Eric, 2022, Assistant Professor of Theatre; BFA, ACU, 2017.
Pittman, Amanda Jo, 2016, Associate Professor of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, ACU, 2009; MDiv, ACU, 2012; ThD, Duke University Divinity School, 2016.
Pitts, Katie, 2023, College Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BS, Texas Christian University, 2010; AuD, University of North Texas, 2016.
Podgorski, Brandon, 2024, Instructor and Program Director, MS in Sports Leadership; BGS, Indiana University, 2007; MS, Ohio University, 2010; MBA, Trine University, 2021.
Pope, Don N., 2000, Associate Professor of Management Sciences; BS, Oklahoma Christian University, 1975; ME, Texas A&M University, 1976; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1980.
Powell, Cynthia, 1993, Professor of Chemistry; BS, ACU, 1981; MS, Texas A&M University, 1984; PhD, University of North Texas, 2010.
Powell, Gregory, 1985, M.E. Pruitt Professor of Chemistry; BS, ACU, 1980; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1984.
Prather, James R., 2013, Associate Professor of Computer Science; BS, Oklahoma Christian University, 2006; MS, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2009; PhD, Nova Southeastern University, 2018.
Pybus, Kenneth, 2003, Professor and Chair of Journalism and Mass Communication; BA, ACU, 1989; JD, Baylor University, 1992; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2019.
Quade, Kristine, 2024, College Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership; JD, Western State University College of Law, 1978; MS, Pepperdine University, 1992; EdD, Pepperdine University, 2011.
Rademaker, Linnea, 2016, Professor of Organizational Leadership; BM, Bradley University, 1989; MM, Bradley University, 1992; PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004.
Ramirez, Alicia, 2022, College Assistant Professor and Program Director, BS in Communication Sciences and Disorders; BS, ACU, 1997; MS, Texas Woman’s University, 1999.
Randrianasolo, Arisoa, 2020, Assistant Professor of Computer Science; BS, ACU, 2008; MS, Texas Tech University, 2010; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2012.
Rankin, Sharon, 1997, Assistant Professor of Language and Literature; BA, Harding University, 1986; MS, Harding University, 1987; MA, University of California at Riverside, 1989.
Rasmussen, Heather, 2017, College Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership; BA, University of Iowa, 1996; MS, University of Kansas, 2000; PhD, University of Kansas, 2004.
Reed, Carson, 2012, Associate Professor and Dean of the Graduate School of Theology; Vice President for Church Relations; and Executive Director of the Siburt Institute for Church Ministry; BA, Oklahoma Christian University, 1980; MDiv, Harding School of Theology, 1988; DMin, ACU, 1995.
Reed, Leslie, 2016, Instructor of Language and Literature; BA, Pepperdine University, 2009; MA, Vanderbilt University, 2012.
Reese, Hollie, 2022, College Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BS, ACU, 2000; MS, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2003.
Reeves, Brent N., 2001, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Management Sciences; BBA, ACU, 1980; MA, ACU, 1982; MS, University of Colorado, 1991; PhD, University of Colorado, 1993.
Rhodes, Joshua, 2023, Assistant Professor of Psychology; BS, ACU, 2018; MA, Baylor University, 2021; PhD, Baylor University, 2023.
Rhodes, Robert, 2012, Professor of Psychology and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs; BS, Oklahoma Christian University, 1990; PhD, University of Northern Colorado, 1994.
Riley, Chris, 2004, Assistant Professor of Government and Criminal Justice; BA, ACU, 2000; MPA, Penn State University, 2019; JD, Texas Tech University, 2003.
Riley, Rachel, 2017, College Professor of Psychology; BS, ACU, 1998; MS, ACU, 2000.
Ritchie, Sheila, 2018, College Associate Professor of Communication and Director of Forensics; BA, ACU, 1987; MA, ACU, 1993.
Rix, Brad, 2015, Associate Professor of Chemistry; BS, ACU, 1993; MS, University of Akron, 1998; PhD, University of Akron, 1999.
Roberson, Matt, 2012, Associate Professor and Chair of Music; BA, Harding University, 1997; MM, Florida State University, 2000; PhD, Florida State University, 2006.
Roberts, Luke, 2023, Instructor of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, ACU, 2018; MDiv, ACU, 2021.
Robison, Aaron, 2017, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry; BS, ACU, 2005; PhD, Texas A&M University, 2012.
Rodriguez, Magda, 2024, Instructor of Language and Literature; BA, ACU, 2019.
Rogers, Michael, 2015, Associate Professor of Music; BME, Texas Christian University, 1988; MME, University of North Texas, 1992; PhD, University of North Texas, 2015.
Roggendorff, Paul, 2009, Assistant Professor of Language and Literature; BA, The University of Texas, 1993; BS, Institute for Christian Studies, 1994; MA, University of Memphis, 1996; PhD, University of Kentucky - Lexington, 2012.
Ryan, Christina, 2023, College Assistant Professor in the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program; AS, Mount St. Mary’s University, 1988; BS, Mount St. Mary’s University, 1989; MSN, Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2004; DNP, Grant Canyon University, 2016.
Salkil, Sara, 2016, College Associate Professor and Program Director, Marriage and Family Therapy; BS, Oklahoma State University, 1999; MMFT, ACU, 2006; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2010.
Saltsman, George, 2022, College Professor of Organizational Leadership and Chief Academic Officer - ACU Dallas Campus; BS, ACU, 1990; MS, ACU, 1995; EdD, Lamar University, 2014.
Sanders, Michelle, 2006, Professor of Language and Literature; BS, ACU, 1999; MA, Emerson College, 2001; PhD, The University of Texas at Arlington, 2007.
Santana, Nil, 2000, Associate Professor of Art and Design; BS, Universidade Federal da Paraiba, 1993; MS, ACU, 2000; PhD, Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts, 2012.
Schwiethale, Cheryl, 2004, College Professor of Mathematics; BA, Harding University, 1991; MS, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2002.
Scott, Malcolm, 2018, Assistant Professor of Social Work; BS, Southern University, 1999; MSW, Colorado State University, 2001; PhD, Colorado State University, 2005.
Scott, Ramonica, 2019, Assistant Professor of Athletic Training; BS, University of Tulsa, 2003; MS, Northwestern State University of Louisiana, 2005; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2020.
Self, Scott, 2018, College Assistant Professor of Organizational Leadership; Assistant Provost for Academic Development and Innovation; and Executive Director of the Center for Online Development and Innovation; BA, ACU, 1991; MS, The University of Texas at Dallas, 1993; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2017.
Sensing, Timothy, 1998, Professor of Theology; BS, Purdue University, 1980; MTh, Harding Graduate School of Religion, 1984; DMin, Harding Graduate School of Religion, 1992; ThM, Duke University, 1994; PhD, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 1998.
Shake, Deonna, 2000, Instructor of Kinesiology and Nutrition; BSEd, ACU, 1986; MEd, ACU, 1990.
Sharp Penya, Lynette, 1999, Professor and Chair of Communication; BA, ACU, 1991; MS, University of Illinois, 1993; PhD, University of Kansas, 1996.
Shepherd, Ian, 2003, Professor of Management Sciences; BB, University of Western Sidney, 1987; MBA, Belmont University, 1989; DA, Middle Tennessee State University, 1998.
Shirley, Adam Trey, 2013, Associate Professor of Art and Design; BA, ACU, 2002; MDiv, ACU, 2008; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2012.
Short, Nathan, 2024, Professor of Occupational Therapy; BA, Lee University, 2006; OTD, Belmont University, 2009; PhD, Kingston University, 2020.
Shutt, Ellen, 2017, Instructor of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BS, ACU, 2006; MS, ACU, 2008.
Slaymaker, Rachel, 2007, Professor and Director of the School of Social Work, BS, Angelo State University, 2001; MSSW, The University of Texas at Austin, 2006; EdD, ACU, 2020.
Smallwood, John, 1979-99, 2008, Assistant Professor of Mathematics; BS, Texas Tech University, 1962; MA, The University of Texas, 1968.
Smallwood, Martha, 2012, Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Nutrition; BS, ACU, 1970; MS, Texas Tech University, 1973, EdD, Texas Tech University, 2011.
Smith, Jessica, 2013, Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication and Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs; BS, ACU, 2002; MA, University of South Florida, 2005; PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010.
Sotelo, Marcia, 2023, College Associate Professor in the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program and Interim Dean of the College of Health and Human Services; BA, Baylor University, 1994; AASN, Austin Community College, 2009; BSN, The University of Texas at Arlington, 2014; MSN, Western Governors University, 2015; DNP, Samford University, 2019.
St. John, Karen, 2016. College Assistant Professor of Information Technology; BBA, University of North Texas, 1999; MS, University of North Texas, 2002.
Steele, Stephanie, 2023, Instructor of Marriage and Family Therapy; BA, Kansas State University, 2006; MS, Valdosta State University, 2008; PhD, Northcentral University, 2013.
Stein, Brit’ny, 2024, Associate Professor of Psychology; BS, ACU, 2010; MS, Oklahoma State University, 2012; PhD, Oklahoma State University, 2016.
Stephenson, Joseph F., 2005, Professor of Language and Literature; BA, Yale University, 1985; MS, Central Connecticut State University, 1995; MA, University of Connecticut, 2000; PhD, University of Connecticut, 2007.
Stewart, Hayley, 2018, Clinical Instructor of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BS, ACU, 1993; MS, ACU, 2012.
Stewart, Jonathan, 1996, Professor of Finance; BS, Lubbock Christian University, 1990; MBA, Texas Tech University, 1991; PhD, Texas Tech University, 1996.
Straughn, Gregory, 2000, Professor of Music; BA, ACU, 1994; MM, University of North Texas, 1997; PhD, University of North Texas, 2004.
Sutherlin, Autumn, 2003, Professor and Chair of Biochemistry; BS, Harding University, 1997; PhD, Purdue University, 2003.
Talley, Stephanie, 2008, Associate Professor and Chair of the School of Education; BS, ACU, 1993; MEd, ACU, 2006; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2014.
Tanner, Rich, 2017, College Assistant Professor of Information Technology and Computing; BS, ACU, 2010; MS, Iowa State University, 2013.
Team, Rachel M., 2009, Associate Professor of Psychology; BS, ACU, 2001; PhD, Texas A&M University, 2006.
Teel, Allen, 1985, Professor of Music; BMEd, West Texas A&M University, 1983; MM, Texas Tech University, 1985; DMA, University of Georgia, 1994.
Theledi, Kholofelo, 2023, Assistant Professor of Communication and Sociology; AS, African Christian College, 2010; BS, ACU, 2014; MA, ACU, 2017; PhD, Louisiana State University, 2024.
Thomas, Lillie, 2018, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy; BS, ACU, 2003; MSOT, Texas Woman’s University, 2005; EdD, ACU, 2022.
Tippens, T. Kyle, 2012, Associate Professor and Chair of the Dukes School of Finance; BA, ACU, 1991; MIBS, University of South Carolina, 1997; PhD, Texas A&M University, 2012.
Towell, Rusty, 2001, Professor of Physics; BS, ACU, 1990; PhD, The University of Texas, 1999.
Traber, Tamara, 2020, College Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy; BS, Texas Tech University, 2001; MOT, Texas Tech University, 2004.
Underwood, Melinda, 2020, College Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy; BS, University of Louisiana at Monroe, 1998; OTD, The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, 2020.
Van Meter, Chelsea, 2019, Instructor of Nursing; BS, Hardin-Simmons University, 2010; MSN, Grand Canyon University, 2019.
Vardiman, Phillip D., 2002, Professor of Management Sciences; BS, ACU, 1976; MBA, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, 1992; PhD, Texas A&M University, 2001.
Wade, Laura, 2024, Instructor of Nursing; BS, ACU, 1995; BSN, The University of Texas at Arlington, 1999; MSN, The University of Texas at Arlington, 2017.
Wallace, J.D., 2010, Professor of Communication; BA, Lipscomb, 1987; MA, ACU, 1989; PhD, University of Oklahoma, 1999.
Walls, Donna, 2015, Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy; BS, Texas Women’s University, 1986; Clinical Practice Management, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, 2014.
Wanamaker, Stephanie, 2021, College Assistant Professor and Program Director, BS in Psychology; BS, Texas Wesleyan University, 2012; MS, California Baptist University, 2015.
Ward, Kristin, 2006, College Associate Professor of Music: BM, ACU, 1993; MM, Michigan State, 1996.
Ward, Steven, 2006, Professor of Music; BM, ACU, 1992; MA, Austin State University, 1994; DMA, Michigan State University, 2002.
Warren, Dina, 2021, College Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy; BS, The University of Texas at El Paso, 1998; MA, Liberty University, 2015.
Washington, Kelly, 2021, College Associate Professor of Biology; BS, Grambling State University, 2004; MA, University of the Incarnate Word, 2007.
Weems, Avery, 2017, Assistant Professor of Library Science; BA, ACU, 2012; MLS, University of North Texas, 2017.
Werntz, Myles, 2020, Associate Professor of Theology and Director of the Center for Baptist Studies; BA, Ouachita Baptist University, 2000; MDiv, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, 2003; PhD, Baylor University, 2011.
Wertheim, Paul, 1986-90, 2000, Professor of Accounting; BBA, Texas A&M University, 1979; MBA, ACU, 1982; MS, University of Kansas, 1986; PhD, University of Kansas, 1987.
White, Cade, 1996, College Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication; BA, ACU, 1990; MS, ACU, 1998.
Whitley, Julie, 2020, Instructor of Nursing; BSN, The University of Texas at Arlington, 2012; MSN, Grand Canyon University, 2016.
Wick, Katie, 2016, Associate Professor of Management Sciences; BA, University of Virginia, 2002; MA, University of Pittsburgh, 2006; PhD, University of Pittsburgh, 2008.
Wickersham-Fish, Leah, 2019, College Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership; AS, Central Texas College, 1992; BS, Sul Ross State University, 1993; MS, Tarleton State University, 1994; PhD, Texas A&M University, 2000.
Wiener, Jon, 2022, College Assistant Professor and Program Director, Precision Medicine; BS, University of Maryland, 1975; MS, University of Maryland, 1979; PhD, University of Virginia, 1984.
Wiggins, Mike, 2003, Professor of Art and Design; BA, ACU, 1993; MFA, Massachusetts College of Art, 2003.
Williams, Debbie, 1983-86, 1995, Associate Professor of Language and Literature; BA, ACU, 1980; MA, Texas Tech University, 1982; PhD, Purdue University, 1996.
Williams, Kari, 2014, Assistant Professor and Chair of Occupational Therapy and Program Director, Master of Science in Occupational Therapy; BS, Xavier University, 2001; MS, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, 2005; EdD, ACU, 2021.
Williams-Damond, Twyla, 2022, College Assistant Professor of Organizational Leadership; BS, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2011; MBA, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2012; EdD, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2014.
Willis, Caleta, 2021, College Assistant Professor of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences; BS, Texas A&M University–Commerce, 2018; MS, Texas A&M University–Commerce, 2020.
Wiser, James, 2020, Associate Professor and Dean of Library Services and Educational Technology; BA, Harding University, 2000; MLS, Indiana University, 2002; MBA, Pepperdine University, 2012; EdD, The University of Texas at Austin, 2024.
Womble, Todd M., 2015, Associate Professor of Language and Literature and Program Director, MA in English; BA, ACU, 2008; MA, ACU 2010; PhD, The University of Texas at Arlington, 2015.
Wright, Odies L., Jr., 2000, Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Nutrition; BSEd, ACU, 1973; MEd, University of Houston, 1982; PhD, University of New Mexico, 2002.
Wright, Richard, 2015, Professor of New Testament; BMus/AB, Oberlin College, 1994; MA, ACU, 1986; MTS, Southern Methodist University, 1988; PhD, Brown University, 1994.
Xu, Qiang, 2007, Professor of Biology; BS, Zhejiang University, 1996; MS, Zhejiang University, 2003; PhD, Auburn University, 2007.
Yandell, Traci, 2017, College Assistant Professor of Mathematics; BS, ACU, 1984; MEd, ACU, 1998; EdD, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, 2013.
Yeager, Katherine, 2017,College Assistant Professor and Assistant Program Director, EdD in Organizational Leadership; BBA, Texas A&M University, 1982; MA, Stephen F. Austin, 2007.

Emeriti Faculty

The first dates indicate years of service.

Allison, Stephen H., 1984-2024, Professor of Psychology and Robert and Mary Ann Hall Endowed Chair Emertus of Psychology and Intercultural Studies; BS, ACU, 1976; MA, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1978; MS, Fuller Graduate School of Psychology, 1980; PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1982.
Altman, Donald M., 1969-1990, Assistant Professor Emeritus of Management Sciences; BS, Syracuse University, 1961; MBA, The University of Texas, 1965.
Appleton, Linda, 1986-1999, Instructor Emerita of English; BA, ACU, 1965; MA, ACU, 1984.
Aquino, Frederick D., 1998-2023, Professor Emeritus of Theology; BA, ACU, 1989; MDiv, ACU, 1993; MA, ACU, 1994; PhD, Southern Methodist University, 2000.
Ashby, Jon, 1972-2004, Professor Emeritus of Communication Sciences and Disorders; AA, Ohio Valley College, 1962; BSEd, ACU, 1964; MA, Louisiana State University, 1966; PhD, Louisiana State University, 1972.
Austin, Lynette, 2008-2023, Professor and Chair Emerita of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BS, ACU, 1985; MA, ACU, 1987; PhD, University of Houston, 2007.
Bacon, Cheryl Mann, 1979-1981, 1990-18, Professor and Chair Emerita of Journalism and Mass Communication; BA, ACU, 1976; MA, ACU, 1979; EdD, Texas Tech University, 1991.
Bailey, Fred A., 1984-2012, Professor Emeritus of History; BA, Harding University, 1970; MA, University of Tennessee, 1972; PhD, University of Tennessee, 1979.
Bailey, Virginia, 1998-2012; Assistant Professor Emerita of Library Science; BS, University of Oregon, 1992; MLIS, Louisiana State University, 1994.
Barnett, Denise, 1991-2024, Associate Professor Emerita of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BS, ACU, 1980; MA, ACU, 1982; PhD, Texas Tech University Health Science Center, 2010.
Bartee, Jimmy N., 1991-2004, Assistant Professor Emeritus of Management Sciences; BS, ACU, 1951; BSEE, Texas Tech University, 1960; MSBA, Boston University, 1985; MA, The University of Texas at Dallas, 1988.
Bell, Joe D., 1985-2018, Associate Professor Emeritus; BSEd, ACU, 1977; MS, University of North Texas, 1983; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1997.
Bolin, Phyllis, 2005-2022, Associate Professor Emerita of Mathematics; BSEd, ACU, 1970; MAT, The University of Texas at Dallas, 1991; PhD, University of Oklahoma, 2003.
Boyd, Jack, 1968-1996, Professor Emeritus of Music; BS, ACU, 1955; MM, University of North Texas, 1959; PhD, University of Iowa, 1971.
Brannan, Daniel K., 1988-2018, Professor Emeritus of Biology; BS, University of New Mexico, 1975; MS, Ohio State University, 1977; PhD, University of New Mexico, 1981.
Brister, Jozell, 1979-2020, Associate Professor Emerita of Management Sciences; BSEd, ACU, 1961; MEd, ACU, 1965; MS, University of North Texas, 1973.
Brokaw, Bryan E., 1975-2018, Bray Cook Professor Emeritus of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; BS, ACU, 1971; PhD, Oregon State University, 1975.
Brown, Robert E., 1980-2012, Associate Professor Emeritus of Foreign Languages; BA, ACU, 1967; MA, University of Illinois, 1970; MEd, The University of Texas, 1973; PhD, The University of Texas, 1986.
Cardot, Joseph James, III, 1980-2024, Professor Emeritus of Communication and Sociology; BA, Harding University, 1976; MA, Western Kentucky University, 1980; EdD, Texas Tech University, 1990.
Coco, Malcolm P., 1990-2019, Professor Emeritus of Management Sciences; BS, University of Southwestern Louisiana, 1968; MS, Central Michigan University, 1979; DPA, Nova Southeastern University, 1993.
Cope, Joe L., 1989-2022, Associate Professor Emeritus of Conflict Management and Resolution and Associate Vice President for Academics-Dallas; BA, Texas Tech University, 1977; JD, Texas Tech University School of Law, 1986.
Cox, Richard A., 1971-2003, Professor Emeritus of English; BS, Lamar University, 1960; BA, The University of Texas, 1963; MA, Duke University, 1964; PhD, The University of Texas, 1976.
Culp, Bill, 1997-1983, 1998-2011, Professor Emeritus of Social Work; BA, Harding University, 1967; MSW, University of Arkansas of Little Rock, 1976.
Curtis, Joyce Mae, 1959-2004, Professor Emerita of Exercise Science and Health; BS, University of North Texas, 1959; MS, University of North Texas, 1960; PED, Indiana University, 1970.
Daniels, M.L., 1959-1993, Professor Emeritus of Music; BS, ACU, 1955; MEd, ACU, 1956; EdD, University of North Texas, 1964.
Delony, Mikee, 2006-2023, Professor Emerita of Language and Literature; BA, University of Houston, 1996; MA, University of Houston, 2000; PhD, University of Houston, 2007.
Davis, Glenn G., 1985-2003, Professor Emeritus of Agriculture and Environment; BS, Texas Tech University, 1959; MS, Texas Tech University, 1966; PhD, University of Tennessee, 1973.
Dillman, David L., 1984-2022, Professor Emeritus of Political Science; BS, ACU, 1970; MA, University of Houston, 1974; PhD, University of Massachusetts, 1982.
Dodd, Carley H., 1981-2017, Professor Emeritus of Communication; BA, ACU, 1970; MA, ACU, 1971; PhD, University of Oklahoma, 1974.
Drennan, A. Don, 1960-1990, Associate Professor Emeritus of Management Sciences; BS, ACU, 1958; MS, ACU, 1962.
Drennan, Jerry D., 1963-1998, Professor Emeritus of Industrial Technology; BSEd, ACU, 1959; MEd, University of North Texas, 1963; DEd, Texas A&M University, 1970.
Eichmann, W. Valdy, 1984-2004, Professor Emeritus of Foreign Languages; BA, Harding University, 1961; MA, University of Arkansas, 1965; MA, University of Arkansas, 1970; PhD, University of Arkansas, 1973.
Felts, Addie, 1974-1993, Associate Professor Emerita of Health, Physical Education and Recreation; BS, ACU, 1955.
Ferguson, Everett, 1962-1990, LeMoine G. Lewis Professor Emeritus of Church History, Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence; BA, ACU, 1953; MA, ACU, 1954; STB, Harvard Divinity School, 1956; PhD, Harvard University, 1960.
Foster, Douglas Allen, 1991-2018, Professor Emeritus of Church History, Graduate School of Theology; Director of Center for Restoration Studies; BA, David Lipscomb University, 1974; MA, Scarritt College, 1980; PhD, Vanderbilt University, 1987.
Fowler, William E., 1991-2024, Associate Professor Emeritus of Accounting; BBA, Harding University, 1975; MS, Walsh College, 1983.
Freeman, Sandy, 2005-2018, Associate Professor Emerita of Theatre; BA, Hardin-Simmons University, 1971; MFA, University of Oklahoma, 1975.
George, Edwin, 1969-2001, Professor Emeritus of Music; BSEd, ACU, 1961; MEd, ACU, 1963; PhD, University of North Texas, 1983.
Goebel, Klaus Dieter, 1984-1998, Associate Professor Emeritus of Foreign Languages; BA, Wayne State University, 1957; MA, Harding University, 1958; PhD, University of Chicago, 1969.
Goldsmith, Lloyd M., 2001-2019, Professor Emeritus of Education; BS, Texas A&M University, 1972; MS, Corpus Christi University, 1974; MS, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, 1985; EdD, Baylor University, 1990.
Gray, C.G., 1981-1996, Professor Emeritus of Education; BSE, Texas Tech University, 1950; MEd, Texas Tech University, 1952; EdD, Texas Tech University, 1965.
Green, Bo, 1972-2010, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA, ACU, 1964; MS, Purdue University, 1966; PhD, Purdue University, 1968.
Griggs, Jack A., 1991-2008, Overton Faubus Professor Emeritus of Business; BS, ACU, 1964; CPA, 1966; MBA, The University of Texas, 1967; PhD, The University of Texas, 1971.
Hailey, Mel, 1979-2021, Professor Emeritus of Political Science; BA, ACU, 1970; MA, Texas Tech University, 1973; PhD, Texas Tech University, 1988.
Haley, Albert, 1997-2021, Professor Emeritus of Language and Literature; BA, Yale University, 1976; MFA, University of Houston, 1993.
Hammack, Becky S., 2012-2019, Associate Professor Emerita and Dean of the School of Nursing; BSN, Angelo State University, 1985; MSN, ACU, 1995; EdD, Baylor University, 2003.
Hardegree, Eric, 1985-2020, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry; BS, ACU, 1980; MS, ACU, 1982; PhD, The University of Texas, 1985.
Harper, Marsha, 1972-2003, Professor Emerita of Library Science, Director of Brown Library; BSE, ACU, 1959; MLS, University of North Texas, 1971; Certificate, Advanced Study in Library and Information Science, University of Texas, 1983; LitD, ACU, 2004.
Harris, Randall, 1999-2020, Instructor Emeritus of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, Harding University, 1979; MA and MTh, Harding University Graduate School of Religion, 1983; MPhil, Syracuse University, 1987.
Hatch, Lucy, 1985-2004, Assistant Professor Emerita of Education; BAE, University of Mississippi, 1960; MEd, ACU, 1985.
Hendrick, Karen, 1986-2018, Assistant Professor Emerita of Library Science; BA, ACU, 1965; MLS, Texas Woman’s University, 1966.
Hernández, Patricia, 1989-2020, Professor Emerita of Biology; BS, Texas A&M at Corpus Christi, 1975; MS, Corpus Christi State University, 1978; PhD, Texas Woman’s University, 1989.
Hester, Adam, 1981-2021, Professor Emeritus of Theatre; BA, ACU, 1977; MFA, Trinity University, 1982.
Hill, Dickie L., 1977-2017, Professor Emeritus of Kinesiology and Nutrition; BSEd, ACU, 1967; MPE, University of Florida, 1968; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1973.
Hughes, David, 1967-2007, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA, ACU, 1962; MA, University of Oklahoma, 1964; PhD, University of Oklahoma, 1967.
Humble, B.J., 1964-1990, Professor Emeritus of Bible; BA, ACU, 1948; MA, University of Colorado, 1949; PhD, University of Iowa, 1964.
Hurley, Marian E., 1968-1995, Associate Professor Emerita of English; BA, University of New Mexico, 1954; MA, University of New Mexico, 1964.
Jones, Billy Van, 1974-2018, Professor Emeritus of Psychology; BS, ACU, 1970; MA, University of Houston, 1972; PhD, University of Houston, 1974.
Jones, Troy Mark, 1965-2009, Associate Professor and Chair Emeritus of Foreign Languages; BA, ACU, 1963; MA, Texas Tech University, 1968.
Kirby, D’Lyla, 1980-2011, Assistant Professor Emerita of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BSEd, ACU, 1973; MS, Texas Tech University, 1978.
Lakey, Paul, 1988-2018, Professor Emeritus of Communication; BA, Oklahoma Christian University, 1970; MA, ACU, 1980; MA, ACU, 1985; PhD, University of Oklahoma, 1988.
Lipps, Alan J., 2007-2024, Professor Emeritus of Social Work; BS, ACU, 1993; MMFT, ACU, 1996; MSSW, The University of Texas at Arlington, 1999; PhD, The University of Texas at Arlington, 2002.
Lynn, Monty L., 1985-2024, Professor Emeritus of Management Sciences; BA, Harding University, 1981; BSW, Harding University, 1981; MS, Cornell University, 1984; MOB, Brigham Young University, 1985; PhD, Brigham Young University, 1985.
Marshall, Joseph J., 1955-1990, Professor Emeritus of Education; BS, ACU, 1950; MA, Hardin-Simmons University, 1954; EdD, Baylor University, 1968.
Mathews, Edward F., 1980-2008, Professor Emeritus of Missions, Graduate School of Theology; BA, ACU, 1962; MA, ACU, 1969; MMiss, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1970; STB, ACU, 1971; DMiss, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1980.
Mattis, Charles, 1995-2012, Dean Emeritus and Associate Professor of Biology; BS, ACU 1981; DDS, The University of Texas, 1985.
Maxwell, Jack, 1984-2018, Professor Emeritus of Art and Design; BFA, ACU, 1978; BSEd, ACU, 1978; MFA, University of Tennessee, 1981.
McCann, Forrest M., 1968-1996, Professor Emeritus of English; BA, University of Florida, 1952; MA, University of Florida, 1966; PhD, Texas Tech University, 1980.
McKelvain, William Robert, 1989-2019, Professor Emeritus of Psychology; BA, ACU, 1971; MA, Texas A&M University, 1974; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1980.
McLeskey, Beth, 1967-1985, Assistant Professor Emerita of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation; BS, Baylor University, 1950; MEd, ACU, 1963.
McMillin, Keith, 1983-1996, Assistant Professor Emeritus of Journalism and Mass Communication; BA, Texas Tech University, 1953.
McQueen, Julie, 2000-2017, Instructor Emerita of Developmental Mathematics; BS, ACU, 1979; MEd, ACU, 1986.
Merrell, David B., 1966-2012, Professor Emeritus of English; BA, ACU, 1964; MA, University of Arkansas, 1966; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1979.
Morris, Paul Edwin, 1975-2018, Professor Emeritus of Physics; BS, ACU, 1966; PhD, Texas Christian University, 1971.
Morrison, Matthew, C., 1985-1998, Professor Emeritus of Academic Advance; BA, David Lipscomb University, 1961; MA, Indiana State University, 1968; PhD, Indiana University, 1972.
Neill, John D. III, 2000-2024, Professor Emeritus of Accounting; BBA, ACU, 1980; MS, ACU, 1984; PhD, University of Florida, 1990.
Nichols, James, 1982-2019, Professor Emeritus of Biology; BS, ACU, 1966; MS, University of Michigan, 1968; PhD, University of Missouri, 1973.
Norsworthy, Larry, 1999-2018, Professor Emeritus of Psychology; BS, ACU, 1972; MS, ACU, 1976; PhD, Walden University, 1991.
Ogren, Albert J., 1993-2004, Assistant Professor Emeritus of Education and History; BS, ACU, 1955; MEd, ACU, 1959; MA, Ohio State University, 1967; PhD, Ohio State University, 1974.
Osburn, Carroll D., 1987-2004, Carmichael-Walling Professor Emeritus of New Testament Studies, Graduate School of Theology; BA, Harding University, 1963; MTh, Harding University, 1968; MA, Harding University, 1969; DDiv, Vanderbilt University, 1970; PhD, University of St. Andrews (Scotland), 1974.
Paris, Wayne, 2010-2021, Professor Emeritus of Social Work; BA, Northeastern Oklahoma State University, 1972; MSW, University of Oklahoma, 1979; PhD, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom, 2006.
Pemberton, Glenn, 2005-2017, Professor Emeritus of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, ACU, 1985; MA, ACU, 1995; PhD, University of Denver/Iliff School of Theology, 1999.
Piersall, Paul,
1986-2012, Professor Emeritus of Music; BA, Central Washington University, 1965; MA, Central Washington University, 1968; DMA, University of Oregon, 1971.
Pope, P. Terry, 1992-2019, Professor Emeritus of Finance; BA, ACU, 1964; MA, The University of Texas, 1966; PhD, Southern Methodist University, 1969.
Presley, Ted W., Jr., 1985-2004, Assistant Professor Emeritus of Anthropology; BSE, ACU, 1968; EdM, Rutgers University, 1971; MA, ACU, 1978.
Pruett, Charlie D., 1992-2018, Associate Professor Emeritus of Gerontology and Director of the Pruett Gerontology Center; BS, ACU, 1991; MS, ACU, 1992, PhD, University of North Texas, 2002.
Pruett, Julie, 1988-2018, Associate Professor Emerita of Music; BMEd, Southwest Texas State University, 1979; MEd, Southwest Texas State University, 1981; DMA, The University of Texas, 2002.
Rall, M. Harland, 1991-2016, Professor Emeritus of Language and Literature; BSEd, ACU, 1974; MA, University of Cincinnati, 1990; PhD, Texas Tech University, 1996
Rama, Ronnie, 2002-2024, Associate Professor Emeritus of Art and Design; BArch, Texas Tech University, 1987; MS, ACU, 1997; MFA, Academy of Art University, 2013.
Rasco, Marianna Y., 1965-2003, Professor and Chair Emerita of Family and Consumer Sciences; AS, Tarleton State University, 1948; BS, ACU, 1953; MEd, ACU, 1955; PhD, Texas Tech University, 1982; CFCS, 1987; CFLE, 1987.
Rathbun, James Ronald, 1963-1999, Professor Emeritus of Music; BS, Southwest Missouri State University, 1956; MME, Indiana University, 1957; DMA, University of Iowa, 1976.
Reese, Jack R., 1988-2014, Professor Emeritus of Ministry, Graduate School of Theology; BA, ACU, 1973; MA, University of Oklahoma, 1976; MA, ACU, 1978; PhD, University of Iowa, 1988.
Reese, Jeanene, 1991-2018, Associate Professor Emerita and Assistant Chair of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BS, ACU, 1974; MS, ACU, 1995; MDiv, ACU, 1998; DMin, ACU, 2001.
Reeves, Perry, 1980-2012, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry: BS, ACU, 1965; PhD, The University of Texas, Austin, 1969.
Reid, Brad, 1975-2010, Professor Emeritus of Management Sciences; BA, University of Oklahoma, 1969; JD, The University of Texas, 1973.
Rippee, Nicki, 1998-2011, Professor Emerita of Exercise Science and Health; BSE, ACU, 1968; MEd, Texas A&M University, 1969; PhD, Arizona State University, 1985.
Roper, Cynthia, 1994-2024, Professor Emeritus of Communication; BS, Oklahoma Christian University, 1975; MA, ACU, 1986; PhD, University of Oklahoma, 1996.
Rudolph, Charles, 1975-2004, Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychology; BA, Harding University, 1967; MEd, Mississippi State University, 1970; PhD, Mississippi State University, 1973.
Sadler, Virginia, 1980-2016, Professor Emeritus of Art and Design; BFA, The University of Texas, 1970; MFA, Indiana University, 1974.
Scarbrough, Michael, 1982-2023, Professor Emeritus of Music; BMEd, McMurry University, 1980; MM, Scarritt College, 1982; DMA, Arizona State University, 1996.
Schulze, Paul D., 1970-2004, Professor Emeritus of Physics; BS, ACU, 1963; MS, University of Nebraska, 1966; PhD, University of Nebraska, 1970.
Scott, Bruce, 2010-2018, Associate Professor Emeritus of Education and Associate Dean Emeritus of the College of Education and Human Services; BS, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, 1976, MS-Mid Management, Corpus Christi University, 1984, Ed.D., Educational Leadership, Texas A&M Kingsville, 1995.
Shake, Roy, 1958-2000, Associate Professor Emeritus of Biology; BS, Eastern Illinois University, 1954; MS, University of Wisconsin, 1956.
Small, Charles D., 1977-2004, Associate Professor Emeritus of Management Sciences; BS, ACU, 1954; MS, ACU, 1975; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1978.
Smallwood, John, 1979-1999, Assistant Professor Emeritus of Computer Science; BS, Texas Tech University, 1962; MA, The University of Texas, 1968.
Smith, Raymond, 2018-2022, College Associate Professor Emeritus of Engineering and Physics; BS, University of Houston – University Park, 1985; MEM, Lamar University, 1991.
Snider, Donnie, 2003-2021, Associate Professor Emeritus of Education and Assistant Provost for Graduate Programs; BS, Southwestern Oklahoma State University, 1974; MEd, University of Central Oklahoma, 1978; EdD, University of Oklahoma, 1997.
Stewart, Sam, 2008-2021, Associate Professor Emeritus of Teacher Education; BA, Harding University, 1997; MS, Arkansas State University, 1985; EdD, William Howard Taft University, 2007.
Stovall, Scott, 1998-2022, Associate Professor Emeritus of Accounting and Finance; BBA, Harding University, 1985; MS, University of North Texas, 1988; CPA, 1989; PhD, University of North Texas, 2001.
Tacker, R. Dale, 1977-2004, Professor Emeritus of Education; BS, Northeastern State University, 1965; MA, University of Tulsa, 1969; EdD, University of Tulsa, 1974.
Taylor, Jerry, 2003-2024, Associate Professor Emeritus of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, Southwestern Christian College, 1984; MDiv, Southern Methodist University, 1988; DMin, Southern Methodist University, 1995.
Thompson, James W., 1992-2014, Professor Emeritus of New Testament; BA, ACU, 1964; MA, ACU, 1965; BD, Union Theological Seminary, 1970; PhD, Vanderbilt University, 1974.
Tippens, Darryl, 2014-2018, Professor Emeritus of English and University Distinguished Scholar of Faith, Learning, and Literature, and Senior Advisor for Academic Initiatives; BA, Oklahoma State University, 1968; MA, Louisiana State University, 1971; PhD, Louisiana State University, 1973.
Van Rheenen, Gailyn, 1986-2004, Professor Emeritus of Missions, Graduate School of Theology and Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, Harding University, 1968; MS, ACU, 1974; DMiss, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1990.
Varner, Cleddy, 1966-2000, Professor Emeritus of Exercise Science and Health; BS, ACU, 1958; MSEd, Baylor University, 1959; EdD, University of Northern Colorado, 1980.
Varner, Gary, 1996-2018, Professor Emeritus of Theatre; BA, Central State University, 1978; MEd, Southeastern Oklahoma State, 1989; MFA, Tulane University, 1992.
Varner, Jeanine, 2007-2018, Professor Emerita of Language and Literature; BA, Oklahoma Christian University, 1973; MA, University of Tennessee, 1975; PhD, University of Tennessee, 1981.
Varner, Patricia, 1969-2000, Assistant Professor Emerita of Family and Consumer Sciences; BS, ACU, 1959; MA, University of Northern Colorado, 1978.
Walker, Beatriz, 1999-2024, Professor Emerita of Language and Literature; BAS, ACU, 1996; MEd, ACU, 1999; MA, Texas Tech University, 2002; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2005.
Walton, George W., 1964-2011, Professor Emeritus of Language and Literature; BA, ACU, 1963; MA, University of Arkansas, 1964; PhD, Texas Tech University, 1976.
Wasemiller, Kathryn, 1984-2015, Professor Emerita of Art and Design; BFA, ACU, 1977; MFA, Texas Tech University, 1980.
Weathers, Stephen R., 1987-2010, 2011-2020, Associate Professor Emeritus of Language and Literature; BA, ACU, 1986; MA, ACU, 1987; PhD, Florida State University, 1999.
Willerton, Christian, W., 1970-2014, Professor Emeritus of Language and Literature and Honors; BA, Texas Christian University, 1969; MA, University of North Carolina, 1970; PhD, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1979.
Williams, Kay, 1989-2018, Associate Professor Emerita of Music; BMEd, ACU, 1969; MM, Texas Tech University, 1971; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2000.
Williams, Vernon L., 1989-2018, Professor Emeritus of History; BA, ACU, 1970; MEd, Southwest Texas State University, 1975; MA, Southwest Texas State University, 1981; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1985.
Willis, Wendell, 1994-2017, Professor Emeritus of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BSEd, Midwestern State University, 1965; MA, ACU, 1967; BD, Vanderbilt University, 1969; PhD, Southern Methodist University, 1981.
Wilson, Lorraine, 1985-2018, Professor Emerita of Kinesiology and Nutrition; BSEd, ACU, 1976; MEd, ACU, 1977; EdD, Texas Tech University, 1992.
Winter, Thomas L., 1984-2024, Professor and Director Emeritus of the School of Social Work; BA, ACU, 1971; MSSW, The University of Texas at Arlington, 1977; EdD, University of Arkansas, 1997.
Yarema, Allan, 1999-2021, Associate Professor Emeritus of History; BA, East Texas State University, 1988; MA, East Texas State University, 1992; MS, East Texas State University, 1993; EdD, Texas A&M University- Commerce, 1997; MAG, Texas State University, 2003.
Yarema, Connie, 1998-2018, Professor Emerita of Mathematics; BS, East Texas State University, 1990; MS, East Texas State University, 1992; EdD, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 1995.