2019-2020 Catalog with Addendum II 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2019-2020 Catalog with Addendum II [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

The information following course titles indicate (1) hours per week of lecture, (2) hours per week of laboratory and (3) semester credit hours. A small number of courses are offered for a variable number of credit hours, and the semester credit hours listed represent the maximum number of hours possible for credit. This will be noted in the course description.

The frequency of offering follows the meeting and credit hour information. Courses offered every year are designated by semester(s) only. Courses offered every other year are designated by semester and odd/even year.

Note: Since most courses are not offered every semester, students should be aware that failure to take a required course when it is offered may delay graduation.

Any course may be offered on demand should sufficient interest be demonstrated and should a qualified instructor be available. “Demand” courses with a defined content will be offered as regularly as practical for the host department.

At the end of the course description, the following information will be given when applicable: laboratory information, corequisites (“simultaneous enrollment”) and prerequisites, cross listed courses (“same as”), special fees, and pertinent information about the use of the course.

Courses and Numbering

All courses are listed alphabetically by course prefix and numerically within each prefix. The department and college assignments are also noted. ACU uses a three-digit course numbering system. Courses numbered 100 to 299 are lower-level courses (primarily for freshmen and sophomores). Courses numbered from 300 to 499 are upper-level, or advanced, courses (primarily for juniors and seniors). Courses numbered 500 to 799 are graduate courses. All courses numbered 000 to 099 do not count toward graduation or GPA.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Some courses have prerequisites, which must be met before a student may register for that course, or corequisites, which must be completed simultaneously. In some cases, a student may have special knowledge, skills or background that will enable him or her to perform well in a given class without meeting its prerequisites or corequisites. Such a student should seek special permission from the department offering the course.

A course may not use the same requirement as both prerequisite and corequisite. Courses listed as corequisite must be taken together. Students may not drop or withdraw from a course with corequisite requirements without dropping or withdrawing from both courses. Students may repeat a course with corequisite requirements alone in subsequent attempts if they fail or do not receive degree credit for the course on the first attempt. However, in courses with a subject code of EACH, EDUC, NURS, or SPAN, students must repeat both corequisite courses if they fail or do not receive credit for one or both courses on the first attempt.

Students should refer to the most recent catalog for course corequisites, prerequisites, and restrictions.

Course Sequencing

Some courses have recommendations of a previous course(s) for appropriate sequencing. Such recommendations are not prerequisites; the system will allow any student meeting a course’s prerequisites to enroll for a course regardless of whether the student meets the sequencing recommendations. Students are cautioned, however, to follow sequencing recommendations when all of the courses in the sequence are on their degree plans.

Independent Study and Special Topics Courses

Neither an independent study nor a special topics course should be a version or instance of a course that already has been approved for inclusion in the catalog.

Independent Study

An independent study course is a unique, student-initiated and student-driven course. An independent study course should be used to enhance a degree. It should be used as a substitution for degree requirements only in rare circumstances; it should not be used to correct poor planning. All other catalog policies apply.

Independent study courses are usually designed to be worth 3 credit hours. Ideally, independent study courses should make up no more than 6 hours (5 percent) of any student’s undergraduate degree. They should make up no more than 20 percent of any student’s graduate degree. Independent study courses should use the even hundred course number appropriate to the level of study (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, etc.)

Student proposals for independent studies may be approved or denied based on faculty interest or availability and departmental priorities. Students in the Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program will incur a separate fee for an independent study course and should contact the Director of the DMin Program for details.

When proposing an independent study, the student should complete the Independent Study Request form and discuss it – including the outcomes and artifacts of the study – with the proposed faculty member. Artifacts should support the student’s and the faculty member’s intended outcomes for the course through research, written work, creative projects, and/or professional projects. If the course is approved by the faculty member, the faculty member is responsible for creating the syllabus for the independent study. The syllabus must include the learning outcomes and how they will be measured.

The syllabus and Independent Study Request form should be submitted to the chair and dean on a timeline that would allow for the proposal to be approved or denied prior to the beginning of the term or part of term in which the course is being proposed. Study Abroad courses should be approved prior to departure from the United States.

Special topics

A special topics course is faculty/department-initiated and faculty-driven. A special topics course will be included in the course schedule for registration in a given term and could be used as a pilot for addition to the curriculum. A substitution form must be submitted for a special topics course to satisfy degree requirement. All other catalog policies apply.

The special topics syllabus must be submitted to the dean before March 1 for a fall course or October 1 for a spring or summer course, so that it will be available for student registration. Special topics courses should choose the course number appropriate to the level of study from the following: 140, 240, 340, 440, 540, 640, 740, etc.

The Texas Common Course Numbering System

The Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS) has been designed for the purpose of aiding students in the transfer of general academic courses between colleges and universities throughout Texas. Common courses are freshman and sophomore academic credit courses that have been identified as common by institutions that are members of the common course numbering system. The system ensures that if the student takes the courses the receiving institution designates as common, then the courses will be accepted in transfer.

For further information contact the transfer course coordinator in the Registrar’s Office.



  • PHYS 136 - Introduction to Electric Circuits Laboratory

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Spring

    Corequisite: PHYS 135 . Same as ENGR 136 . Course fee.
  • PHYS 203 - Physical Science for Teachers

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

    A science course of primary interest to pre-service teachers. The course uses inquiry-based and other “best-practice techniques” to apply physical science concepts to situations within the world and at the same time applicable to the future teacher’s classroom. May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • PHYS 204 - Physical Science for Teachers Laboratory

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Provides application of knowledge and learning experiences related to PHYS 203 . Corequisite: PHYS 203 . Course fee.
  • PHYS 220 - Engineering Physics I

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, and as needed

    Mechanics of particles, rigid bodies, fluids, and wave motion. Prerequisite: MATH 185 . Corequisite: PHYS 221 . May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • PHYS 221 - Engineering Physics I Laboratory

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Spring, and as needed

    Corequisite: PHYS 220 . May be used to satisfy University Requirements. Course fee.
  • PHYS 222 - Engineering Physics II

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, and as needed

    Heat, thermodynamics, electricity, and magnetism. Prerequisite: PHYS 220 /PHYS 221 . May be used to satisfy University Requirements. Corequisite: PHYS 223 .
  • PHYS 223 - Engineering Physics II Laboratory

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Fall, and as needed

    Corequisite: PHYS 222 . May be used to satisfy University Requirements. Course fee.
  • PHYS 330 - Modern Physics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, and as needed

    Special relativity, invariance principles, foundations of quantum mechanics, atomic spectra, molecular physics, nuclear physics, and elementary particles. Laboratory emphasizes atomic and nuclear physics. Prerequisite: PHYS 222 /PHYS 223 . Corequisite: PHYS 331 . May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • PHYS 331 - Modern Physics Laboratory

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Spring, and as needed

    Corequisite: PHYS 330 . May be used to satisfy University Requirements. Course fee.
  • PHYS 342 - Measurement Techniques

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Fall

    An introduction to transducers for measuring physical phenomena such as temperature, pressure, and acceleration. Signal processing and statistical concepts related to measured variables are also included. Prerequisite: PHYS 222 , MATH 361 . Corequisite: PHYS 343 .
  • PHYS 343 - Measurement Techniques Laboratory

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Fall

    A laboratory introduction to transducers for measuring physical phenomena such as temperature, pressure, and acceleration. Signal processing and statistical concepts related to measured variables are also included. Prerequisite: PHYS 222 , MATH 361 . Corequisite: PHYS 342 . Course fee.
  • PHYS 360 - Electricity and Magnetism

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall and as needed

    Electro- and magneto-statics theory, Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic field theory, dielectrics, displacement current, current density, Poynting vector, scalar potentials, vector potentials and design applications. Prerequisite: PHYS 222 . Corequisite: PHYS 463  or MATH 463 . Same as ENGR 360.
  • PHYS 362 - Optics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring

    Light, lenses, aberrations, diffraction, interference, polarization, resolving power, coherence, Fourier transforms, spectroscopy. Prerequisite: PHYS 222 /PHYS 223 ; MATH 186 . Corequisite: PHYS 363 . Same as ENGR 362 .
  • PHYS 363 - Optics Laboratory

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Spring

    Corequisite: PHYS 362 . Course fee. Same as ENGR 363 .
  • PHYS 371 - Classical Mechanics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall

    Vector methods of static systems of forces, couples and moments, particle dynamics, rigid body dynamics, work, kinetic and potential energy, momentum and the conservation laws, and Hamilton and Lagrangian methods. Prerequisite: PHYS 220 . Corequisite: MATH 361 .
  • PHYS 378 - History and Philosophy of Science

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, odd years

    A study of Newtonian physics, evolution, thermodynamics, quantum theory, relativity, and the impact of these sciences on religion, philosophy, literature, the arts, and the social sciences. Same as PHIL 378 . For non-science majors. May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • PHYS 379 - Philosophy, Religion and Science

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, odd years

    A study of the relations of God, humans, and nature from the perspectives of philosophy, religion and science. Emphasis on the mutual impacts of science and religion. Same as PHIL 379  and BIBP 379 . May be used to satisfy University Requirements. For non-science majors.
  • PHYS 388 - Network Analysis

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, odd years

    Active and passive electrical networks, time and frequency domains, Fourier and Laplace transform techniques, and some non-linear circuits. Prerequisite: MATH 361  and either ENGR 135  or PHYS 135 . Same as ENGR 388 .
  • PHYS 401 - Secondary Science Methods

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    A study of teaching strategies and curriculum development for the secondary sciences. Presents the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, College and Career Readiness Standards, and classroom management and discipline for the science laboratory environment. Prerequisite: 16 hours of science from appropriate secondary science teaching degree plan. Corequisite: EDUC 412  and EDUC 432 . Should be taken before student teaching. Same as BIOL 401 , CHEM 401 .
  • PHYS 451 - Simulations and Modeling

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, odd years

    Advanced techniques of computing in physics, including error analysis, data fitting and analysis, adaptive quadrature and Monte Carlo methods, ordinary and partial differential equations, and finite element techniques, all with an introduction to parallel programming techniques. Prerequisite: CS 120 .
  • PHYS 453 - Pattern Recognition

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, even years

    Introduces pattern recognition methods and applications: decision theory, Principal Component Analysis, neural networks, linear and non-linear discriminant functions, supervised and unsupervised learning, feature extraction, Hidden Markov Models, Kalman Filters, and related methods in the area of applied computing. Prerequisite: CS 120 .
  • PHYS 461 - Nuclear Physics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, even years

    Nuclei and nuclear constituents; symmetries and conservation laws; electromagnetic, weak, and hadronic interactions; nuclear models. Prerequisite: PHYS 330 /PHYS 331 .
  • PHYS 463 - Math of Physics and Engineering

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, odd years

    Partial differential equations and boundary value programs, orthogonal functions, complex variables, Green’s functions, and matrix theory. Prerequisite: MATH 361 . Same as MATH 463 .
  • PHYS 472 - Solid State Physics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, even years

    Crystal symmetry and structures, elastic properties of solids, crystal bonding, lattice dynamics, and specific heat, optical, and electrical properties of solids. Prerequisite: PHYS 330 /PHYS 331 .
  • PHYS 481 - Thermodynamics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, and as needed

    Fundamental concepts of thermodynamic systems. Law of thermodynamics, properties of simple compressible substances, entropy, energy availability, ideal gas mixtures and psychometrics, and thermodynamic cycles. Application to engines, refrigeration systems and energy conversion. Prerequisite: PHYS 330  and MATH 286 . Same as ENGR 481 .
  • PHYS 482 - Topics in Physics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: on demand

    Studies in topics or techniques of current interest in physics and astronomy. This course is available for variable credit. Please see your advisor for more information.
  • PHYS 491 - Quantum Mechanics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring

    A beginning course in quantum mechanics covering wave mechanics, Fourier methods, Hamilton’s equation and Schroedinger’s equation and applications, barrier problems, harmonic oscillator, angular momentum, atomic and molecular physics, perturbation, and scattering theory. Prerequisite: PHYS 330 /PHYS 331 , and PHYS 463 .
  • PHYS 493 - General Relativity

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, odd years

    The geometric approach to the special relativity, basic tensor calculus and geodesic motion, and fundamental solutions to Einstein’s equation: Schwarzschild and black holes, and FRW and big-bang cosmology. Prerequisite: PHYS 330 /PHYS 331 . Corequisite: PHYS 463  or MATH 361 .
  • PHYS 497 - Physics Capstone I

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Fall

    The first of a two-course capstone sequence, including topics in ethics, history of science, the relationship of faith and science, research plan development, and professional preparation. Prerequisite: The student must be a physics major of senior standing, prepared to graduate either the following May or December one year from the completion of this part of the Capstone. At least simultaneous with PHYS 363 . Course fee. A capstone and writing-intensive course.
  • PHYS 498 - Physics Capstone II

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 2
    Terms Offered: Spring

    The second of a two-course capstone sequence, completing the research proposed in Physics Capstone I. Prerequisite: The student must be a physics major of senior standing, prepared to graduate either the following May or December after the completion of the Capstone; PHYS 497 . Course fee. A capstone course.
  • PHYS 499 - Research

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: by arrangement

    Research problems in physics and astronomy. Consult the faculty member with whom the student wishes to work for details. This course is available for variable credit. Please see your advisor for more information.

Political Science

  • POLS 221 - Government and Business

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Explores the mutual interaction of American business and government and the consequences for political and economic life. May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • POLS 225 - National Government

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

    The American political system. May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • POLS 226 - States and Federal System

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

    The politics of the federal system with special emphasis upon Texas government and politics. This course serves as the requisite government course for all students seeking teacher certification in Texas. May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • POLS 227 - Introduction to International Relations

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Introduces students to the major theories, themes, and sub-disciplines of this interdisciplinary subject. Material includes the Cold War, deterrence, globalization, nationalism, development, and terrorism. May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • POLS 315 - Political Science Research Methods

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 4
    Terms Offered: Fall

    Theories, methods and statistical analyses used in political science research will be evaluated, compared and critiqued. Students will gain a healthy appreciation of research design, statistical analysis, and of the computer application of these principles. This course is available for variable credit. Please see your advisor for more information. Prerequisite: MATH 120  or higher; junior standing or consent of department chair. For majors only.
  • POLS 341 - American Public Policy

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, odd years

    An introduction to the study of public policy and policy analysis through examining specific policy problems such as poverty, health, pollution, taxation, and crime. Attention will be given to the alternative approaches for recommending and evaluating policy consequences.
  • POLS 344 - Comparative Politics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: on demand

    An examination of structural and behavioral issues associated with the comparative study of political systems. Examples and case studies will be drawn from industrialized, transitional, and less developed nations. Prerequisite: POLS 200-level course.
  • POLS 345 - Comparative Public Policy

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: on demand

    A comparative study of public policy formulation, implementation, and consequences.
  • POLS 357 - West European Politics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: on demand

    The politics and government of Great Britain, France, and Germany. Also included will be an overview of the major transnational institutions of Western Europe.
  • POLS 358 - CIS and East European Politics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: on demand

    The politics of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the nations of Eastern Europe, including consideration of the ideological foundations, governmental structures, and recent political issues.
  • POLS 360 - Politics of Developing Countries

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, even years

    A comparative examination of the nature of processes of political change and development in lesser developed countries, including China and India. Prerequisite: POLS 200-level course.
  • POLS 361 - Politics of the Middle East

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, odd years

    The political trends and movements in the Middle East. The forces of change such as nationalism, Islamic revivalism, and Arab-Israeli peace process, and regional conflicts are given special attention. Prerequisite: POLS 200-level course.
  • POLS 381 - American Political Process

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, even years

    Parties, interest groups, political behavior of voters and elected officials, public opinion, and elections.
  • POLS 382 - American Presidency

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, even years

    An introduction to the American presidency, examining the organization of the office and relations with legislative, bureaucratic, judicial, and political groups.
  • POLS 383 - Congress and Legislative Process

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, odd years

    The United States Congress and its members in the making of public policy. Attention is given to the development of Congress, the current status of the Congress, and the functions of Congress in the American political system.
  • POLS 384 - American Judicial Process

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, odd years

    Explores the structure and function of the judicial branch of government as it exists in our society today.
  • POLS 385 - American Foreign Policy

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: on demand

    An analysis of the processes and institutions involved in making U.S. foreign policy. The roles of the President, Congress, news media, interest groups, public opinion and important forces that influence the policy process. Prerequisite: POLS 200-level course.
  • POLS 393 - Peace, Power and Politics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, even years

    Examines classic and contemporary views of political power and the state with a focus on non-violence as an alternative to war. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.
  • POLS 395 - Public Administration

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall

    An inquiry into the role of bureaucracy and democracy of large-scale organizations in contemporary American politics.
  • POLS 420 - Public Service Seminar

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Summer only

    The seminar provides an intensive introduction to the study of public service with special emphasis on fundamental problems and issues facing practitioners and critical analysis of significant works. Course open to Pope Fellows only.
  • POLS 431 - Constitutional Law: Powers

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: on demand

    Examines the exercise of federal power within the confines of the U.S. Constitution. Judicial review by the federal courts, presidential power, congressional power, and American federalism will all be covered.
  • POLS 432 - Constitutional Law: Civil Rights

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: on demand

    Examines the civil rights and civil liberties of individuals in the United States. Topic areas include free speech, criminal procedures, cruel and unusual punishment, privacy, and equal protection issues.
  • POLS 484 - International Law and Organizations

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: on demand

    Universal and regional international organizations and international law, their function and processes, their limits and possibilities, and their relationships to the international system. Special emphasis is given to the United Nations system. Prerequisite: POLS 200-level course.
  • POLS 485 - International Political Economy

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: on demand

    Examination of the political determinants and consequences of economic relations between the nations of the world. Topics include international trade, international finance and financial organizations, regional economic organizations, and economic treaties and conventions. Prerequisite: POLS 200-level course; ECON 260 .
  • POLS 487 - Terrorism Studies

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring

    Examines and critiques the major themes of the field of Terrorism Studies. Will seek to answer: how do liberal democracies resolve political violence without betraying the rights and liberties of their citizens? Prerequisite: POLS 227 .
  • POLS 488 - Topics in International Politics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: on demand

    Consideration on a rotation of selected topics in international politics. Offerings will include nuclear weapons in international politics, ethical issues in international politics, and the theory of international politics.
  • POLS 490 - Early Political Theory

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, even years

    The major political philosophers from Plato to Machiavelli. Same as PHIL 490 .
  • POLS 491 - Recent Political Theory

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, odd years

    The major political philosophers from Machiavelli to the present. Same as PHIL 491 .
  • POLS 492 - American Political Thought

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, odd years

    A study of the political thought and movements which have shaped American institutions from colonial times to present.
  • POLS 493 - Topics in Contemporary Political Thought

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, even years

    An examination of varying political ideas and concepts relevant in the contemporary world. Course topics include 20th century political thought, the crisis of liberalism, and religion and politics.
  • POLS 494 - Public Administration Management

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: on demand

    A survey of management problems in the public sector.
  • POLS 497 - Topics in Public Administration

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: on demand

    A consideration of special issues or topics in governmental administration or bureaucracies. Possible topics include organizational behavior, the street-level bureaucrat, literature and bureaucracy, and the Christian and public policy.
  • POLS 499 - Public Service Internship

    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: on demand

    Links public-sector employment with classroom work. Exposure to public-sector problems and opportunities. This course is available for variable credit. Please see your advisor for more information. Prerequisite: Junior standing and approval by the department internship director. For majors only. A capstone and writing-intensive course.
  • POLS 590 - Early Political Theory

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, even years

    The major political philosophers from Plato to Machiavelli.
  • POLS 591 - Recent Political Theory

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, odd years

    The major political philosophers from Machiavelli to the present.
  • POLS 595 - Public Administration

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall

    An inquiry into the role of bureaucracy and democracy of large-scale organizations in contemporary American politics.
  • POLS 597 - Topics in Public Administration

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: on demand

    A consideration of special issues or topics in governmental administration or bureaucracies. Possible topics include organizational behavior, the street-level bureaucrat, literature and bureaucracy, and the Christian and public policy.


  • PSYC 100 - Discovery: Career and Life Planning

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Designed to help students discover their gifts in pursuit of their career and calling. Focuses on self-assessment, conducting occupational research, networking, and informational interviewing. Speakers from various professions and alumni will provide information about careers and integrating faith with their career.
  • PSYC 120 - Introduction to Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    A comprehensive survey of the science of psychology emphasizing human behavior. May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • PSYC 201 - Psychology Seminar

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Introduction to the training and career opportunities in psychology; strategies for studying psychology. Relation to Christian beliefs to the study of psychology. To be taken in the first semester of the psychology major. Fifty hours of community experience in an approved setting is required.
  • PSYC 232 - Developmental Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    A survey of the biological, cognitive, moral, and psycho-social development of the individual from conception through death. May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • PSYC 233 - Physiological Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Special emphasis on the nervous system, brain and behavior, neuroanatomy, genetics, neurological basis of learning, cognition, sensation, memory, motivation, and abnormal behavior. Prerequisite: BIOL 101  or BIOL 112 /BIOL 113  or BIOL 203 .
  • PSYC 241 - Cognition and Learning

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Includes the fundamentals of perception, learning, memory, cognition, and intelligence.
  • PSYC 278 - Stress and Its Management

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring

    The impact of stress on physical and emotional health; survey and practice of stress management methods.
  • PSYC 301 - Psychology Seminar II

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 4*
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Discussion of personal, professional, and Christian ethics in psychology. Application of psychological knowledge to contemporary social issues. *Either 50 hours of approved community experience or a social issue paper is required.
  • PSYC 305 - Peacemaking

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, odd years

    Prepares students to recognize, analyze, and act to prevent or stop destructive conflict and transform it into social change that is just and that meets human needs. Prerequisite: ENGL 111  or equivalent and university required speech.
  • PSYC 311 - Elementary Statistics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Introduction to basic formulas, methods, and interpretations of statistical measures, both descriptive and inferential. Prerequisite: Completion of university mathematics requirement.
  • PSYC 342 - Applied Sports Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall

    Development of knowledge and skill in the application of psychology to the enhancement of sport and exercise performance and to the personal development of the athlete.
  • PSYC 345 - Sexual Minorities: Identities and Communities

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall

    A survey of the development of sexual minority identities and communities and their interaction with majority culture based on critical assessment of social/behavioral science research. Prerequisite: CORE 110 , COMM 211 , ENGL 112 . May be used to satisfy University Requirements.
  • PSYC 348 - Psychology and Christianity

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    A selected survey of the psychological dynamics associated and involved with Christian experience, belief, and practice.
  • PSYC 351 - Experimental Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 4
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    A survey of experimental methods employed in the study of human behavior. Special attention is given to the sensory systems, perception, and learning. Required laboratory is graded with the course. Prerequisite: PSYC 368 .
  • PSYC 356 - Health Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring

    Psychological study of the impact of behavior on health and the influence of health and disease states on quality of life. Includes biopsychosocial study of the behavioral correlates of health, illness and disability, the improvement of health care, and the development of healthy habits and reduction of unhealthy behaviors.
  • PSYC 368 - Psychological Tests and Measurements

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    A study of the principles of psychological measurement including scale development and evaluation. An overview of the major assessment instruments in each area of psychological testing. Prerequisite: Completion of university mathematics requirement.
  • PSYC 370 - Social Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

    A study of the processes of intersocial stimulation and their consequences. Prerequisite: PSYC 120  or SOCI 111 .
  • PSYC 372 - Child Abuse: Recognition and Response

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, spring

    Focuses on identification, reporting, intervention, and prevention of child sexual abuse, physical abuse, and neglect. Special attention will be given to the roles of different disciplines including nursing, social work, education, and psychology. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
  • PSYC 373 - Characteristics and Needs of Exceptional Children

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, odd years

    A survey of the nature and needs of exceptional children, such as the mentally retarded, gifted, and emotionally disturbed.
  • PSYC 374 - Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Children

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall

    A study of social and emotional problems in children and adolescents including intervention and prevention strategies. Limited to students admitted to Teacher Education or majoring in Psychology. Prerequisite: SPED 371  or PSYC 232   Same as SPED 374 .
  • PSYC 376 - Psychology of Mental Retardation

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall

    The nature and characteristics of mental retardation and its social, emotional, and cognitive aspects.
  • PSYC 382 - Abnormal Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    A study of the types of psychopathologies, their causes, and accepted methods of treatment.
  • PSYC 388 - Teams and Team Leadership

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall

    Analysis of the factors contributing to the success of teams in complex organizations; focusing on team selection, development, training, and evaluation. Students will develop skills through team building, and by leading in simulations and team projects.
  • PSYC 392 - Child Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring

    An advanced course in the study of children and adolescents, including physical, emotional, cognitive, moral, and social development.
  • PSYC 401 - Psychology Seminar III

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 4*
    Credit Hours: 1
    Terms Offered: Fall

    Detailed study of graduate school admissions and job search strategies including school selection, personal skills assessment, resume writing, and interviewing. To be taken in the junior year. *Fifty hours of approved community experience or other approved experience is required.
  • PSYC 451 - Statistics in Psychological Research

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, spring

    Basic formulas, methods and interpretations of statistical measures, both descriptive and inferential. Special emphasis placed on the integration of statistics and experimental design in psychological research. Provides extensive training in SPSS software skills for data analysis and display. Prerequisite: PSYC 351 .
  • PSYC 471 - Behavior Modification

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, even years

    An introduction to behavior and cognitive-behavior therapy. Major topics include learning foundations and theoretical bases. Therapy techniques, applications to specific clinical problems, prominent research, and ethics are also considered. Prerequisite: PSYC 241 , 12 hours of psychology.
  • PSYC 485 - Introduction to Counseling

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Credit Hours: 4
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Introduction to theory and practice of counseling. Emphasis is on the development of essential attending, interviewing, and influencing skills. Course requires a lab. Laboratory graded and credited with course. Prerequisite: PSYC 382 . A capstone course.
  • PSYC 487 - Theories of Personality

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Spring, odd years

    Personality theories, their historical development, concepts, issues, and methods of research, assessment, and treatment that are essential for preparation for professional areas of applied psychology. Prerequisite: 15 hours of psychology or consent of advisor.
  • PSYC 493 - History of Theories in Psychology

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Survey of major psychological theories and systems and an overview of the history of psychology with an emphasis on modern history. Prerequisite: Psychology major or minor and 12 hours of psychology. A capstone and writing-intensive course.
  • PSYC 499 - Senior Project and Seminar

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 6
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: on demand

    Observation, experience, and research in a specific area. Each student will be required to attend a weekly seminar. Guest speakers and ACU faculty will address professional issues. May be repeated.
  • PSYC 511 - Elementary Statistics

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Credit Hours: 3
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    Introduction to basic formulas, methods, and interpretations of statistical measures, both descriptive and inferential.

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