2024-2025 Catalog With Addendum
Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
James Carpenter, Chair, Program Coordinator for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
ACU Box 27986
Abilene, Texas 79699-7986
Onstead Science Building, Room 145
Phone: 325-674-2401
Fax: 325-674-6936
Email: jac16d@acu.edu
Web: www.acu.edu/agenv
James Carpenter, Associate Professor
Kendra Jernigan, Associate Professor
Caleta Willis, Assistant Professor
The Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences offers the Bachelor of Science degree in agribusiness, animal science and environmental science. A “fast-track” cooperative degree in animal science is available for students who wish to enter a school of veterinary medicine after three years at ACU. Students considering graduate work or governmental employment should consult their advisor during the sophomore year. For information on scholarships available in agricultural and environmental sciences, see the department chair.
“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it” (Genesis 2:15). Thus began God’s initial ministry for humankind. Though humans would choose to disregard God’s command, God’s desire is for reconciliation and relationship with His creation.
The faculty in the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (A&E) at Abilene Christian University believes in this ministry of reconciliation. We challenge students to think about their relationship with God and caring for His creation in a world that is often hostile to the Creator. Consequently, the mission of A&E is to educate students for Christian stewardship of sustainable agricultural and environmental systems throughout the world.
We take this responsibility very seriously, because it is Kingdom business. Whether it takes the form of a former student making decisions in the boardroom of corporate agribusiness, serving the poor in developing countries by teaching them to feed themselves or remediating an abused land site, our desire is that, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving” (Colossians 23:24).
If you are interested in a place where career aspirations are connected to family, church and community, where learning is informed by faith and where servant leadership is expected and modeled, we encourage you to consider A&E.
Study Abroad Expectations
All students are encouraged to participate in ACU’s Study Abroad program. Classes offered at Study Abroad sites vary depending on the site. Academic advisors can assist students in planning ahead for their Study Abroad experience and should be consulted during the freshman year.
Bachelor of Science Degrees (BS)
Admission Requirements
Before being admitted to a program, a student must satisfy the requirements listed in the ACT/SAT Placement Information section of this catalog.
ProgramsBachelor of Science- Agribusiness, BS (AGRB)
- Animal Health Professions Cooperative, BS (AHPC)
- Animal Science, Livestock Production, BS (ANSC-LP)
- Animal Science, Pre-Veterinary Medicine and Health, BS (ANSC-PVH)
- Environmental Science, Environmental Sustainability, BS (ENVR-ENVS)
- Environmental Science, Wildlife and Natural Resource Management, BS (ENVR-ENVW)
MinorCoursesAgricultural and Environmental SciencesAgribusinessAnimal ScienceEnvironmental Science