2017-2018 Catalog 
    Mar 21, 2025  
2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Matt Roberson, Chair
ACU Box 28274
Abilene, Texas 79699-8274
Williams Performing Arts Center, Room 128

Phone: 325-674-2108
Fax: 325-674-2608
Email: matt.roberson@acu.edu
Web: www.acu.edu/music


Samuel L. Cook, Associate Professor
Brandon Houghtalen, Assistant Professor
Rick Piersall, Associate Professor
Julie Pruett, Associate Professor
Michael Rogers, Assistant Professor
Michael Scarbrough, Professor
Gregory Straughn, Associate Professor
Allen Teel, Professor
Susan Teel, Instructor
Kristin Ward, Instructor
Steven Ward, Professor
Kay Williams, Professor

The Department of Music offers the Bachelor of Arts degree and the Bachelor of Music degree (teacher certification and/or performance). See the Teacher Education  section of this catalog for more information on teacher certification.


The mission of the ACU Music Department is to prepare musicians for service and leadership throughout the world. A dedicated and talented faculty work with students in a caring, Christian environment. They teach and mentor in the classroom and studio using a wealth of experience gained from their performing, conducting, teaching, and composing careers. The faculty assists students in becoming outstanding performers, teachers, conductors, composers, and leaders in the music industry who reflect God’s creative force and presence in their music and lives.

To accomplish this mission, the music department has established four primary objectives:

  1. To develop and inspire students artistically as comprehensive musicians;
  2. To prepare students to teach capably and effectively in the school and studio;
  3. To provide training and direction for students who desire to perform professionally or who wish to utilize their music degree in the music industry; and
  4. To guide and encourage young musicians in seeking ways to live a Christ-centered life and be a Christian role-model within the music profession.

ACU music graduates combine their love of music with a variety of careers including music sales, instrument repair, school administration, worship ministry, musical theater, and performance. They are teaching in their own private studios, composing scores for films, managing retail music stores, tuning and repairing pianos, testing musical instruments, writing and recording commercial jingles, managing touring musical groups, working with copyright laws, and teaching at colleges and universities.

Most graduates become music educators in the public schools and are highly sought after for positions throughout Texas. Directing a band, chorus, or orchestra is challenging and personally satisfying and generally receives a salary increment above state base. The Music Department also prepares students well for graduate study. More than 95 percent of the graduates who apply are accepted to the program of their choice and are consistently awarded outstanding performance and academic scholarships, as well as teaching assistantships.

The Department of Music at Abilene Christian University is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music and is a member of the Texas Association of Music Schools. Courses and degree plans satisfy requirements of the Texas Education Agency.

General Departmental Requirements

Admission Audition

Each entering major, whether a freshman or transfer student, must appear for an admission audition, held the semester prior to the beginning of the fall term or by appointment. Students will be assigned to instructors on the basis of the audition. Those who audition for scholarships during the general scholarship auditions are not required to audition for admission to the department.

Degree Recitals

A junior recital is required of all performance majors. A senior recital is required of all music majors, except for those under the Bachelor of Arts degree. A student must be enrolled in major private instruction during the semester of this recital.


Majors must receive a grade of “C” or better in all music classes. A course with a lower grade must be repeated for credit. Majors must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.25 for music major courses.

Jury Examinations

Students studying privately in their major area of concentration are required to attend weekly performance labs and to appear for a jury examination before a faculty panel at the end of each semester.

Piano Proficiency Exam

Every music major is required to pass the piano proficiency exam except students working toward the BA degree and piano majors. Students who do not pass the exam by the end of the sophomore year will register for piano each succeeding semester until they have passed. The examination measures the student’s ability to play all major and minor scales with both hands over two octaves, to sight read a piece of moderate difficulty, to harmonize a melody at sight and to perform a prepared piece. The exam is given once each semester. The four-semester class piano sequence is designed to adequately prepare the student for the piano proficiency exam.

Recital Attendance

All music majors who are full-time students must successfully complete the requirements of Recital Seminar each semester, until eight semesters have been completed, whether for Credit or No-Credit.


Scholarships in music are available for voice, piano, band and orchestra. Interested students should contact the Department of Music for information, applications and audition dates. Auditions for the following school year begin in February and continue through April with scholarships being awarded before May. Instead of appearing in person for this audition, a video audition may be recorded and emailed to the administrative coordinator prior to May 1.

Sophomore Proficiency Exam

At the close of the fourth semester of private instruction, all music majors are required to take the sophomore proficiency exam. Majors may not enroll in upper-level private instruction and music core courses until the exam has been passed.

Theory Placement Exam

All freshman music majors specializing in music must take the theory placement exam prior to registration. Students can receive credit for MUST 131 , depending on the results of the exam. This exam also helps to identify students who may need special help in theory.

Music Performance Ensembles

The following ensembles are available to majors and non-majors. They may be taken for Credit/No-Credit (0 hours, but requires a participation fee). Ensembles are available for lower or upper level credit. The student does not have to be a music major to participate in any performance ensemble. See the Department of Music for details and information about auditioning for ensembles. Music majors are required to successfully complete the requirements of a major performance ensemble every semester. Music Education students are exempt from this requirement the semester during which they student teach. Band and orchestral instruments may be rented for a fee.


The Big Purple Marching Band is a dynamic and exciting ensemble comprised of both music and non-music majors, established in the early days of Abilene Christian College. The Big Purple is one of the largest co-ed organizations on the ACU campus. The band is a vital part of the ACU Opening Ceremonies each year and prepares a themed half-time show each year to be performed at all home football games.

The Wind Ensemble is comprised of outstanding undergraduate wind and percussion players, including almost equal numbers of music and non-music majors. The ensemble maintains a very active performance schedule. Annual tours throughout Texas include performances in high schools, churches, and other concert venues. In history, the Wind Ensemble has performed at six TMEA conferences and three CBDNA conferences. In 2010, they toured internationally, traveling to Brazil for a spring break concert tour and campaign. Every year, the Wind Ensemble closes the term with a brown bag concert for local elementary school children.

The Concert Band is open to all students with no audition required. The goal of the band is to provide an outlet for musical creativity offering maximum enjoyment with limited performance demands. Students are challenged with high caliber music to continue their musical growth while pursuing their majors.

Chamber Ensembles

A variety of chamber music ensembles, including brass quintet, instrumental ensemble, piano ensemble, flute choir, string quartet, and woodwind quintet are open to qualified performers. Interested musicians should contact the proper faculty director to arrange an audition.


The A Cappella Chorus of Abilene Christian University is the oldest a cappella chorus in the Southwest. Established in 1932 by the late Dr. Leonard Burford, A Cappella is dedicated to the study and performance of the finest choral literature of all musical eras. A Cappella takes one short tour in the spring and gives four major concerts each year. Music and non-music majors are accepted by audition only.

The University Chorale is a large chorus consisting primarily of freshmen and transfer students. Chorale is open to music and non-music majors and no audition is required for students with high school choral experience. The Chorus enables students to participate in choral activities without sacrificing substantial time from their major studies. On special occasions, such as Opening Ceremony, Homecoming, Veteran’s Day, and Christmas Vespers, University Chorale and A Cappella perform together as the ACU Grand Chorus.

The ACU Chamber Singers is a select ensemble whose purpose is to explore the gamut of choral music with particular emphasis on early music and contemporary chamber music. The Chamber Singers perform at campus and community events, contributing to the artistic and academic life of the university. Auditions are highly competitive and are held at the end of the spring semester. Membership is open to all ACU students.


The Jazz Ensemble is comprised of both music and non-music majors and performs many different styles of music from the swing era to modern jazz. This ensemble maintains an active performance schedule, both on and off campus, consisting of annual appearances at Sing Song, various social and community events, as well as participation in the Abilene Jazz Festival.

The Jazz Combos offer an opportunity for students to learn about jazz styles while performing in a small group of four to seven students. These small ensembles consist of both music and non-music majors on various instruments. They perform a broad range of jazz standards, as well as new compositions and arrangements by students and faculty. Vocal Jazz opportunities are also available for vocalists who are interested in this idiom. They perform in a wide variety of settings, from on-campus recitals to less formal gigs in Abilene and out of town.

Musical Theatre

Music students have an opportunity to participate in the annual Homecoming musical produced in cooperation with the Theatre Department each fall. Other university productions such as Sing Song also give students experience in musical theatre.


The Orchestra performs full orchestral literature and chamber music and is a vital contributor to the Department of music and the campus at large. The Orchestra presents concerts throughout the year, serving as the pit for the Homecoming Musical, performing with annual opera productions, hosting the biannual Concerto/Aria Competition and presenting the annual Christmas Vespers. Scholarships are available by audition for both music and non-music majors.


The Opera Workshop is a training program for voice majors and non-majors designed to equip them with the skills to become a competent performer. Students will learn the technical aspects of opera production, such as stage management, lighting, building sets, locating props, creating costumes, and handling publicity. Amahl and the Night Visitors, a one-act, fully-staged Christmas Opera has become a yearly tradition each fall for this ensemble.

Percussion Ensemble and Steelband

The Percussion Ensemble and Steelband is made up of music and non-music majors and maintains an active performance schedule. This outstanding ensemble performs a wide variety of literature, ranging from standard works to brand-new compositions. Their excellent inventory of percussion instruments from around the world allows them to explore musical styles from West Africa, Cuba, Brazil, and Trinidad-Tobago.

Special Events

Concerto/Aria Competition

The bi-annual Concerto/Aria Competition affords gifted vocalists, instrumentalists, and pianists the opportunity to perform as soloists with the Orchestra in a spring concert. Any private lesson student with the approval of their private instructor may audition to participate in the Concerto Concert.

Honors Recital

An Honors Recital is held in the alternating years to the Concerto/Aria Competition. Faculty and guests judge the competition among interested music majors. The final program features the selected vocalists, instrumentalists, and pianists in a public performance.

Guest Artists

Guest artists are frequently invited to present concerts for students and guests. Recent guest artists have included Jazz professionals such as D.J. Logic and Christian McBride, and composer, Carter Pann. In addition, respected musical artists and clinicians with varied musical backgrounds are invited regularly to interact with students in master classes and as guest conductors and lecturers.

Admission Requirements

Before being admitted to this program, a student must audition and satisfy the requirements listed in the ACT/SAT Placement Information  section of this catalog.